Apparently... because i was gonna ask if this was in Baltimore, about 12 years ago!
Apparently... because i was gonna ask if this was in Baltimore, about 12 years ago!
That's AWFUL.
Is there any chance that was in SF about ten years ago?
#NotAllFerrets, okay?
If it will ease her pain, I am available to be adopted by her or any celebrity who wants to pay off my student loans and invite me to their lavish holiday celebrations...
"Alleged victim". Because she should be considered the victim of sexual assault, while Bill Cosby should not be considered the victim of her accusations.
My dog gets the butter EVERYDAY. He is a goddamn velociraptor
The replies are pretty heartening
Not that you need it, but I totally approve of her/his name.
You win the internet with that name. If we'd acquired our Kamikaze after that ep aired, she'd be Stormy too.
my cat mostly hates flashcards.
My cat also hates paper. Here is Fred eating my class notes.
Oh, so we're supposed to decorate our hot tub rooms with portraits of ourselves? I thought everyone was supposed to use portraits of Colin Powell :(
Seriously. Next they'll be telling us everyone doesn't have a wine cellar furnished with busts of the Golden Girls.
Pull your pants up Bill Cosby
[U]nreasonable stress demands a support system that can combat mental health issues. Academic stress at Hopkins is a reason for binge drinking
Additional thought: People watch C-SPAN?
What in the fuck? (Other thought: People that use that word watch CSPAN?)