This is SO FUCKING TRUE. I feel like you just articulated something I have known for a long time but never put into words.
This is SO FUCKING TRUE. I feel like you just articulated something I have known for a long time but never put into words.
I have a 1 in 3 rule. White men are only 32% of the population so they star in only 1/3 of the movies I watch. It’d be a bit harder to do it for directors but it’s easy enough to do with main protagonists.
The number of people on here saying #notallwhitefeminists is pretty amazing. White feminism, like a lot of white things, tends to protect white supremacy first and foremost. If this comment isn’t about you, don’t worry about it. If you get defensive, congrats! You’ve just made it about you.
Feminist crafts thread? To distract from the horrible?
Knowing the cops they will probably just classify it as a road rage incident and move on.
It’s not true in your experience. And I agree that this dude is over-generalizing but my friend adopted a lovely dog from the shelter and after about six months the dog became increasing territorial and mean. It has now bitten five people (including me) and they are afraid to have anyone over to their house anymore.…
She’s the girl that says “I’m not like other girls” and thinks that’s a good thing and not internalized misogyny because it means that other girls are terrible.
What is a disrespect to people who have been raped is supporting the rapist.
You can always send them back.
Her zany scarf is from the future. And I love it.
I’m not working, not shopping, and wearing red, and then I’m giving a talk about what women’s marches and protests have accomplished in the past. Then leading a discussion about what we hope to accomplish now. It’s scheduled for 7pm so that women who do have to work tomorrow can still attend. I’m stoked. I just hope…
Lady Gaga over grooms because of trauma but other common causes are allergies (you can try switching to grain free food) or stress (related to changes in living situations or within the household). There are things you can try if it is psychosomatic, I recommend Feliway or a calming collar. If it’s allergies or…
I’m pretty sure looking at his wardrobe choices has convinced the public that his life is a mess.
I lost both my grandma’s this year. 2016 is such a garbage year.
This movie looks pretty terrible and I can’t wait to watch the crap out of it. Plus, it will help me in my quest to have only 30% of the films I watch star white men.
There’s a story that on the set of Blade 3, Snipes fought with the director and by the end would only communicate with him via post it note that were all signed “from Blade.”