
wooort wort wort wort

Why? I quite enjoy it. I assume you're ok with females dressing as male characters. WHY THE DOUBLE STANDARDS????

"All those... moments... will be lost in time, like... tears... in... rain. Time... to die..."

Maybe Half-Life 3 will come packaged with Portal 3 in a collection called The Blue Box?

All down but for Wan for me. Everyone was an idiot, or a dick for no reason and everyone was useless except for the little girl. Tenzin is the most useless character in Avatar history.

Hopefully it'll be better than the majority of last season (With the exception of Avatar Wan). I'm sad to say that it kind of killed any excitement I had to continue the series...

Life lesson for today, for any youngsters reading this: Don't be mean.

To be fair, they're not always without justification there but she is someone who really should just be completely ignored.

That's social justice at it's finest. Good thing these guys are keeping people like this in check...

This article should be on every news site, discussed on every TV channel, and shared by everyone on Facebook on a semi-monthly basis from now until the world ends.

I work with narrative at a professional level—and hold a terminal degree in two disciplines directly related to the development of the same.

Yeah. You won't notice the first time around (except for the ending) but then you try a game with the galaxy and Shep in a very different state and you think: So why the hell did I even bother to load the ME2-save?

Come on, be fair!

I think maybe if your monitor was 16 times bigger it might be almost worth it

The only reason my computer would weep is because of the ending. Hey-oh!

I (as someone who isn't white) have to empathise with your frustration here. It's like damned if you do damned if you don't.

its not gonna be just the animation thats hard.. its the timeframe..

Stop with the bullshit panhandling. If you really give a shit about women's rights, you would be fighting where it actually matters. If the developers were actually sexist and not just appealing to a demographic, because, you forget, this is a business, go for it, but your muckraking is just cheapening the struggle of

I don't know about you, but if the company I worked for was having a PR disaster like this I wouldn't answer any questions about it either.

Maybe they're refusing to talk to anyone because whenever they've tried to explain it previously instead of acting impartially everyone has just screamed about 'lies' and 'sexism' instead of weighing the arguments of both sides. I can't blame them for being tired of trying to explain their side.