
I sense a soul in search of answers.

Maggot Lair. Enough said. (bonus fun with Necromancer and his minions blocking the way + multiplayer).

He writes whatever the fuck he wants. Got a problem with that ?

Have you read the books or just seen the show? Cause a lot less explicit sex scenes in the books than in the show.

The question is, does his reasoning apply? I haven't read the books except for the first one, and I think I remember that what he's saying is true - you don't see anything unless one of the point-of-view characters is involved.

Where, exactly, in my comment, am I telling you or anyone not to comment or complain? It's not even implicit in any of my assertions.

He's a fiction writer.

I honestly wish I could forget.

This is a worthy and interesting article as a conversation starter but I have questions here...Your no. 2 says teaching critical thinking is "really" indoctrination, but that's kind of an oversimplification, isn't it? I mean, any education is indoctrination if we privilege one aspect of it over another?

When this scene happened I swear Cumberbatch's Sherlock is a dead ringer for a live action Spike Spiegel! Also I think "Firefly" and more recently "Guardians of the Galaxy" make great cases for making this live action!

I acknowledge all its flaws, but I fucking love the Speed Race live action movie. FUCK. ING. LOVE. IT!

Calvin & Hobbes: I don't care how amazing the CGI is. I don't care about how awesome it would be to see Spaceman Spiff on the big screen. I don't care about seeing the story advance or answering the question on Hobbes's existance. I don't care. I don't want to see my favorite comic strip ruined by the Hollywood

In the live action Garfield, everything but Garfield is live action, right?

I really really hope Samurai Jack never gets one.

Keanu Reeves must never play Spike.

They should have blown Harry Kim into space and replaced him with an alternate universe version of himself for the rest of the show.

Gearbox is already making Homeworld: Remasterd (HW 1&2) and supporting a spinoff Homeworld: Shipbreakers.

I've waited patiently for more Homeworld and SWAT.

I hope restaurants follow this. I never knew how horrible Celiac disease was until a co-worker came in one Monday saying he was kinda sick from eating a lot at a restaurant with a supposedly gluten free menu. As he said, "it's not a big deal, though, just some intestinal bleeding. That's normal." THAT'S NORMAL, for

A couple years ago I saw this fucked-up Batman movie where they took one of the most relentlessly driven human heroes ever created