
This is the most interesting thing I've seen Miley do. I actually liked it.

I had a strange encounter with Tom Waits. Is there any other kind?

That can't be healthy. ; )


6 Dollar subs at Subway.

Easy: Pedro Pascal, Doctor Strange.

Question. Did wallace the fish who missed his mommy die in the first one, or was the entity inhabiting him somthing else?

The mere existence of a space colony that would accept my fat ass would be enough to make me go. I can't think of anything that would make me happier. At all.

AND he has limited mobility and lives with a rage-filled abusive drunk that does this kind of shit regularly? I can only shudder to think what his life is like.

I agree. Why do people think it's funny in any way? The man gets knocked off his damn mobility scooter and is completely helplessly lying on the ground. Ha ha, right?

On the same day we're all reacting to a horrific video of domestic violence, Jezebel goes and posts this story with this headline, insulting the dignity of a disabled man who was assaulted by his apparent girlfriend and was very nearly run over. What makes this instance of domestic violence any less abhorrent than

Domestic violence. Not funny.

I would have preferred that Rowling addressed Dumbledore's sexual orientation in the books rather than more or less add it in afterward, but I still admire her for standing up for her beliefs.

Well thanks, you seemed like an asshole before, but I'm glad that you clarified. It really removed whatever small doubt that I may have had.

And I've told you that such a usage of the letter is both incorrect, and insulting, as well as why. And instead of just acknowledging that, you keep trying to look for ways to justify its usage.

A straight person continually attempting to explain a queer topic to a queer person... pretty much textbook.

Straight "allies" aren't "in the community". But please, keep on straightplaining.

Nahhh. You are just hilariously aggressive and upset over something that is, quite honestly, ridiculous. I am not sitting here defining what a fucking acronym stands for, I just showed that even people in the community use it that way. So stop with the drama, its embarrassing.

I don't give a fuck that you found a link that includes a letter for allies.