Gaudy Mouse Muad'Dib

You Maniacs! You added bananas to the crème brûlée! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

Crêpes together... strong.

Those miners are used to just having “things handed to them”. They really do need to learn the value of hard work.

There are no moderates. There is no center to pull votes from. Democrats need to get the message through their thick goddamn skulls is that the only way they’re going to win is to attract new voters is with charisma and big ideas that address the problems we’re facing.

The “/s” means the previous statement was written in sarcasm. Before going off on how I need mental health attention, maybe learn how commenting on the internet works first. 

Oh he has an explanation, he wanted to get paid at the expense of people who actually go through real shit. This is the kind of bullshit you have to move and change your damn name, because who in the hell would ever hire him again?

Hopefully, the free meal is good enough to make up for being humiliated nationally.  And for the rest of us, there is a lesson here in the potential consequences of inadequate tipping.

Doesn’t he know the boy that called wolf got eaten by the wolf at the end?

What an asshole.


When my wife asked me to get sea salt and I got regular table salt, that was a mistake. When I transposed my own fucking phone number on my first big-boy resume years ago, that was a mistake.


Chile get me a switch...I’d like to give him something REAL to cry about.

This does actually happen to people and now that he admitted that it was fake, people will view incidents like this with a attitude of “well remember that one guy faked it”.  I really want to understand why he did it. What was his point? What was he trying to accomplish?

Thanks for hurting the cause, dick. You are 100% an orange ally for that. In the old days some of the local Panthers would visit you in the middle of the night to explain that more fully and at length. And heaven help you if you went to the ER or the cops to complain about the explanation.

Lying about being insulted like this doesn’t help us on the path of inclusion. It makes it harder. Just don’t lie about it. 

A mistake?!?!

Lightskint nonsense.

“I did write it,” Cavil said, without much more explanation. “I don’t have an explanation. I made a mistake. There is no excuse for what I did.”