Gaudy Mouse Muad'Dib

They want to see black folks killed, they call the cops hoping they carry out a legal lynching. They know that a lot of cops are trigger happy, scared, and jumpy; that even legally complying can be misconstrued as going for a weapon even if the black person is doing the slow and open. They want to see someone executed

Presumably, we could operate with a drastically reduced overall white man supply by employing some kind of sharing service. Maybe call it Ubermench.

Im already making reservations for 2030 when he opens Faulkners Bistro and Pub (that section is where they serve gourmet hot dogs).

She cannot even enjoy hot dogs anymore.

I hope this ruined Permit Patty’s whole month.

Someone called the cops on a kid selling hot dogs.  That’s some dastardly shit, right there. 


It gets even better. Apparently she’s just a career student. Literally all she does is attend school and earn degrees. Oh, to have that kind of money to throw away on education you’ll never use...

God, don’t they look dapper? I’m anti-fur, but that hat with the mink band is adorable. Does it still count if the mink has been dead for 60 years?

She’s basically the female version of Ted Kaczynski. She’s going to end up in a cabin somewhere writing bullshit papers about the “connections” between torts and Galaga.

She also hates Muslim women, so there’s some intersectionality to her hatred.

Has it occurred to the scientists that the dead people are taking control of the alive people’s eyeballs because they already knew this?

First off, and while math was never my strongest suit, I count two engineering degrees, a law degree and a masters in philosophy (for which I’m assuming she was pursuing her PhD.) Twenty years of schooling and she never took a class in self-awareness. And “applying game theory and cognitive science to the

The age of a student is hardly a red flag for anything.

Good reads.

I’m sure it will not be out of date, unfortunately.

She lost her anonymity. 

Hey now things are tough for Scared White Women*tm

Pretty much nobody needs to hear from # “I Will Never Get Out Of Yale And Live Only To Harass Black Students” Brash Braasch again, like, ever. ALL FOCUS SHOULD BE ON THAT DO-NOTHING DEAN OF STUDENTS who already had notice from the two – two – racist incidents that received worldwide notice the in 2014-15 academic year

Comments like these are why I need to stop reading The Root at work “That’s not just white, it’s peak white. It’s Tucker Carlson-drinking-milk-while-masturbating-to-a-Roseanne-Barr-sex-tape white.”  LOL.