
Maybe there should be a female-specific version and a male-specific version.

Not a bug - just a battle that's impossible if you haven't used a particular character, and my save jettisoned me directly into the battle so I couldn't level.

Better yet - wouldn't mind some graphic enhancements though :)

Technically a gun is designed to wound, not necessarily to kill. Many guns are specifically designed to mitigate the probability of death.

Doesn't help much, though, if the one part prevents you from accessing half the game.

Definitely a hidden gem. I'm curious to see if anyone else has fond memories of this one.

Never got to play this one - would definitely pick it up on Playstation Now.

Great, underappreciated RPG. Perhaps my favorite of all time. Hidden beneath a derivative plot and poor dialogue was a fantastic sense of humor in the items and enemies that could only come from a development team enjoying the Hell out of what they were doing.

Only someone who hasn't played it would call it a classic.

Just be sure to level up your giant dog character unless you're into game-breaking frustration. Had to quit this one halfway through - I hate forced one-on-one character battles and the save system fucked me to boot.

Would love to see a follow-up to this that undertakes the same analysis for UConn. I'm guessing we'd get the same result, but since the school itself is insistent it's lost money (admittedly it has an incentive to say so), it would be interesting to dig deeper.

Still looks slightly worse than Morrowind Sound & Graphics Overhaul, but if it fixes the dogshit gameplay of the original Morrowind I'd probably take the time to install it.

Seems alien anal probes are a sore point for Australian censors; Saints Row IV ran into similar problems upon release.

Chernobyl called. Specifically, it called bullshit.

Dear US gaming industry,

End government grants now!

You remember those questions on standardized tests where they asked "What is the main point the author is trying to make?"

Thank God this happened during his Paragon Mass Effect play-through


"For hairy, white Americans, I guess it doesn't mater which is which."