
Reminds me of the Panasonic Jungle. Portable MMO's probably appeal to business decisionmakers as the intersection of games, mobile, and social, all of which are hot right now. But I think, for the time being, these steps are misguided - baby steps, video game industry. Baby steps.

I'm confused - is the author advocating unlimited data plans at a flat rate for everyone? Or is he willing to accept tiered subscriptions and other models that charge based on data consumption?

Never start a post with "I'm an elite PC gamer"

Pretty sure you can play WoW at max settings with a 30 year old graphics card

Pretty sure you can play WoW at max settings with a 30 year old graphics card

Yes, but the original post referred specifically to "brands," which generally refers to trademarks although could certainly be construed to refer to a right to publicity. More telling are the examples given, however, which are all subject to trademark. The rights are considerably different between the two regimes.

Much better suited, given that Dillinger is not a brand name but a surname.

This has always seemed like such a bad fit for an MMO. Maybe EA felt that the Star Wars mythos was the only way to draw in at least enough "cult" fans to sustain the MMO over the long term and give it a better chance of competing with WoW.


TESV in November and a promising competitor (Kingdoms of Amalur) in January? I may need to drop out of school.

Gameplay videos from TES have the potential to give me a dangerous erection lasting more than 4 hours.

Or a Playstation Camera, for that matter...

[Citation required]? If I'm not mistaken (and I very well could be), most of that is accomplished through software, not hardware.

I'm not sure they were impressed with non-credible threats that would have hurt the publishing side more than the development side.

It seemed to me, during the reel, that Nintendo was keeping all of its old controllers as potential control schemes in addition to the new "tablet" controller, including the WiiMote, the Fit, and presumably the Classic considering how unwieldy the tablet is. It's trying to be everything at once, but when you have to