
I watched the trailer for this and came to the realization that I burnt out on this particular game formula REALLY fast. I enjoyed Gone Home for the atmosphere, the quiet, but effective storytelling, the slight air of mystery, and the novelty of such a simple game formula. And then I played The Vanishing of Ethan

Awesome. One less thing int he File Explorer. If only I could find a way to get rid of Music, Pictures, and Video I’d be set.

They bundle all that together on purpose - a lot of the features described don’t even need a server. I’ve used plenty of “word learning” algorithms that work locally and learn without dispatching any data to anyone - that bundle of data could in turn be synced over to your other accounts if you chose to do so.


Or, they just failed to follow one of the most prominent mantras when it comes to things; Keep It Simple Stupid. Unless you can put it into a good acronym, long product names are a turn-off. Adhesive bandages? Band Aids! Computer-Aided Display Control? COMPUTER MOUSE.

It’s worth mentioning that while the Z3 is certainly full of crap no one wants, most of what’s on that list is also on my 2 year old Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4, and the list of offending apps on the Z3 above includes a host of Verizon apps.

So who’s really to blame here? Is it really Sony, or is it Verizon — the carrier

I agree with a lot of what you said, and I’m not using it as an excuse for why I didn’t get XYZ in life. I also don’t think I’m completely blameless. Like I said, I’m pretty sure that I do cross that line into obnoxious sometimes. What I struggle with is exactly how often and how far do I veer into obnoxious, and

This is obviously a major breach of copyright law, isn’t it? How the hell did they think this wouldn’t warrant legal action of some sort?

Thank you for this article. Lately I’ve been suspecting that I have this problem. In the past I’ve been kind of dismissive of the thought because it seems to be almost exclusively men who think I’m an obnoxious know-it-all. It may just be that I’m encountering men who aren’t crazy about opinionated, well-educated

Prison rape jokes are tired. These people are awful, but let’s not make too much light of something that does happen, is astoundingly horrible, and should not be wished on people for being dicks on the Internet.

Come ON. These are teenagers and dickheads trolling you. None of this is anywhere close to legitimate: and you posting this disgusted piece just gave them all a big giggle. Don't be stupid.

Maybe it is just me, but the ONLY time I see or hear of the horrible shit like this on reddit it is from the Gawker media sites. Maybe, you know, avoid them and stop front paging them here...

THE DAM ISN’T EVEN THAT BAD. Get a freaking map, like the rest of us did back in the day, and learn the extremely simple physics of the thing. Also, take damage to save time, carefully.

I feel like if people didn’t get themselves so worked up over the legend of the thing, they’d realize all of this a lot sooner. Even

I don’t know if I’m a god gamer or something, but I never found the underwater part to be that difficult even as a child. Weird.

You’re on the Truman show, they know perfectly well who you are.

I was also curious about what makes Vávra tick. I’d only seen him from afar, in figurative armor. I’d spotted him as a pugnacious user of Twitter who would mix Tweets about game design with angry complaints about so-called social justice warriors and charges that, as he put it last October, “the future of our biz is

Sorry but I dont want a sh*tty company like facebook knowing what websites I visit. Doesn’t matter what they do with the info, they have no business knowing it.

Well, there are 18 Zelda games. What is so rage inducing about Zelda? Aside from maybe the ever cryptic Zelda II, I can’t think of a single one that’s difficult enough in any way to deserve rage of any kind. They’ve always been my go to relaxing easy game, because it’s comfortable and feels like home.

but that’s like saying, because my dad builds cars in his spare time, he should never be paid or compensated for it by someone who happens to hear he fixes cars, and brings their clunker in to get serviced for free.

Well, gamers, in general, are one of the more entitled groups of people...

Proud, really? This whole things has just reminded me that the gaming community as a whole is one of the most selfish and vitriolic communities on the web. Ask them to pay for content and they resort to harassment and death threats.