
If you’re anti-corporations, then you really should be against GMO’s, bc they are all made by one nasty and unethical corporation called Monsanto.

it is NOT absurd! Most Western European countries have banned GMO’s, with the scientific evidence to back up why. The US hasn’t done any controlled studies nor has it released any information on their adverse effects....One can infer that they are hiding something. The higher use of GM food strongly correlates to

No. GMO is not the same. In nature a daffodil doesn’t get to mix its genes with a jelly fish genes.

People aren’t going to Chipotle to get Mexican food, so take your pretentious stick our of your butt.

I’m beginning to think Giz thoroughly enjoys taking things that scare portions of the public and telling them how stupid they are for being worried. Instead of reporting news, it’s more like, “Here’s some news....and you’re fucking ignorant for believing/not believing what we do.” But I suppose that’s just gawker

It’s ok, Obama is a Democrat. No need to question him. God forbid if he was a Republican though. The double standard is quite thick.

Well any piece of work is automatically copyrighted I believe. I’m not sure how it actually would work if not registered.

Mods aren’t copyright protected.

Let me create a html file with an iframe in it. Yay! I created an app.

Nope. You don't understand the issues here. I'm more liberal than conservative and I fully support this. To you, the republicans are "selling off" the land. They aren't selling the lands. They are trying to get the land back in the states control...where the state can decide how best to use it to better the lives of

I love my internet provider.

Price, speed, portability.

as you yourself have said, since i won't game at that resolution, I'm actually perfectly comfortable not paying the extra money for the extra resolution.

I'm still using a 5+ year old G73 that is completely stock and has had no modifications or repairs in that time period, so, take that for what it's worth.

Cities: Skylines - $30, Steam Workshop, excellent game. The price point and the mods make it worth the purchase with no regrets, plus the reviews are great from both critics and users and the company is very active in the support.

Herein lies the problem with 'skeptics.' You set up these straw men, and slash them down instead of listening to the actual arguments made and making any attempt of your own to investigate the claims. Then you walk away with your chest puffed out like you're some sort of intellectual superior.

Same George Carlin who thinks you're stupid for believing what the Govt tells you?

Nope. This article proves nothing, is a puff piece, and is completely someone's opinion on someone else. Which to me, is just bullying.

War is hell.

Pat has a point. lets look at your list of your bad quotes