
Wild Arms is better than Legend of Dragoon =P but I may be biased by the incredible theme song and atmosphere those games have.

And yet seemingly gone from the next month, never to be seen again. Also not on the charts for May (its release month if memory serves) or any of the other months prior to august.

Having just replayed it and having thought I previously enjoyed it, not immensely but as a kid I thought, hey it's not as terrible as big box reviews said... It's easily the worst big budget RPG, for its time, I've played aside from the XIII series.

Did you enjoy Frozen?

And we still don't know how she actually got into his Twitter DMs.

I expect The Interview to maybe be the most torrented movie ever.

Umm, no. As an Xbox fan, that was my greenlight to finally buy an Xbone.

That wasn't a disappointment though.

Those are buttholes, actually.

They have "regulations" too, you know. They're not drunk snow neanderthals. There's no information here that suggests this was human error.

What, a girlfriend?

Sorry kids... Genie is out of the bottle now.... 3D printing really did kill any attempt at gun control.

Adderal completely ruined 6 yrs of my life and turned me into a thoughtless zombie. Because of Adderal, I had to put college on hold for 6 years. It's not for everyone. Ritalin works WAY better for me. Adderal or medication is not going to work for everyone. Sometimes diet is very important, as some foods can

I don't think drugs are evil. However, if simple changes in a child's environment can allow them to achieve academically then I find that preferable to giving them powerful stimulants during their key developmental years. Since there are so many false positives in identifying ADHD trying alternatives to powerful

Medication is one option and behavior modification is an option. As stated, it's a tool. A pen isn't going to mange ADD/ADHD by itself. Helping students choose the right pen and school supplies could help.

Put it on Vita an I'll buy it!

Awesome. All it needs is the game's HowLongToBeat value.