
The dualshock is pretty much just an SNES controller with smalll N64 prongs, and two extra shoulder buttons.

Its almost like they want us to just use emulators and play it for free.

Two points:

A couple more details, haha: The P37x has a few ‘submodels.’ I have the P37x v4-BW3. If you look around you might find a cheaper P37x, make sure its not the SI1. It’s basically the same laptop, but it has a slower core cpu (intel i4720 instead of the i5700) and only 8gb ram instead of 16. The difference is about $300,

I paid $2000 for it about a year ago. I didnt play either Fallout 4 or Witcher 3 on this, but I did play Metal Gear Solid V at 1080p and max graphics, and had no performance issues. I play indie games more than AAA games typically, but some other games I’ve done with full graphics that weren’t 2D or simplistic 3D were

My job gave me a lenovo for work and it’s not great. I havent been impressed by a lenovo yet.

Yeah, it does look really bad. Very Jr, and certainly not leveraging the power of UE4.

Usually anti-conspiracy theorists don’t even have all the dots of information to begin with. But oh god damn do they love passing judgement on how conspiracy theorists connect those dots they don’t even fucking know exist.

I couldn’t agree more. I’ve only played a few games in this genre, and I feel the same way every time: I was promised something I didn’t get. Gone Home intentionally sets up the vibe that there’s something supernatural going on, when really, it’s just that no one is home. It told a story in an interesting way, it’s

Ah, I thought you were making some awkward joke about my confirmation bias / cognitive dissonance, acusing me of rejecting information that didn’t fit my world view

Exactly what information did you present that I rejected? None? Right. Because you have said nothing. Like I said, enjoy your unearned sense of superiority.

Facepalm away, idgf. Enjoy your life of servitude that’s justified only by your unearned sense of superiority.

This is my speaking as a white male, so take it for what’s it worth.

Fuck the haters. This game is amazing. It’s got some flaws, but it’s a solid platformer with some great ideas. If it was skinned as anything but a TMNT game, it wouldn’t get nearly as much hate as it does. In fact, it’d likely get praised as a classic.

Nothing of what you said is true. Three females were harassed, only one of which was a game dev. The only thing they have in common is the vitriol they spew about how men are scum, and then we’re all surprised when the venom comes back at them.

People who make mods don’t just turn on their computer, type a sentence like “Wouldn’t it be cool if there were train tracks in Skyrim and you could ride a train from town to town” and publish it. It takes a ton of work, and demanding that these modders do it for free with no compensation for their effort is selfish

This is how the information masters operate. There have been plenty of studies and factual evidence behind aspertame not being safe, but it’s much easier to just say “All the studies, except the ones we discredit, prove it’s safe, and if you disagree, you’re a fucking lunatic.” Notice that what they’re really doing is

I’m waiting for 12

Shhhh... you're ruining the narrative that the democrats are the good guys and the republicans are the bad guys.