

I'm amazed at how little this looks like something on a SNES.

Because i've downloaded TOR, i am an extremist according to the NSA. (…)

Good job with the taxpayers money NSA. And all of that simply because i don't like google.

I personally can't wait until Global Warming alarmists can use this logic on what they believe and they figure out its nothing but minute variations in the earth's orbit. Put a rock on a string and try to keep the circular motion perfect and exact every time. Its impossible, I'm not sure why VERY smart people

Sort of, they take something like a negative impression (I think it actually lacks the contours) of the busts, then apply the image of the bust to it. As you move left and right it gives the illusion that they are looking only at you.

We all know the true reason she traded it in...

What's funny is how I've never met a libertarian who didn't spend large chunks of their days reading text books and listening to lectures while I've never met a keynesian who did.

Dude, we left the gold standard in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve. Gold stayed in our money for a while longer, but it wasn't what determined the worth of our money. Starting in 1913 fiat money came to be the US dollar system, and that is 4 years before the Reds even took Moscow.

Its amazing how ignorant people are of what makes money and what the gold standard is. The scarcity of gold would have the impact of decreasing the amount of paper in the system, while simultaneously raising the worth of every bill still in the system. Instead of not having enough money to go around, a ludicrous

"deflation causes you to want to hold on to your money" — bullshtt. Accepted "fact" by economists. But bullshtt.

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Why can't money earn value for doing "nothing", it's it's okay to lose value by being counterfeited by Governments?

Has that EVER stopped anyone from buying a computer, knowing that in 6 months they can save Hundreds of dollars on it? No. If you want something, you buy it. You don't wait a year for the next Black Friday to buy a shirt. You buy it when you want it or you need it, regardless of what the value will be tomorrow or in a

What's your point? That wasn't even the worst hyperinflation there was. Look up Zimbabwe just 6 years ago this happened while I was working in the global financial market. Maybe try google top 10 hyperinflation, I'm pretty sure you'll get a better picture then.

This is BS. There is nothing wrong with deflation. Hoarding money is good, it makes the rest of the money more valuable, it lowers interest rates naturally and promote investments. The argument that deflation is bad is pure government propaganda.

You can't say that the "opposite of inflation" is bad without saying why. Why is deflation a bad thing when it takes less dollars to buy more things. There's deflation in the computer industry every day. Every day you can buy last years best computer for half the price. That could be everything if it wasn't for

"So why can't they just decide to print out ridiculous amounts of bill to make everyone rich?" - That's what they are doing but just making some people rich. The other can pay for it through inflation.


Certainly money supply has an impact, but be it dollars, pounds, gold nuggets, or coconuts, money has always been and always will be just a proxy for the exchange of labor. I'll trade you 20 coconuts for your bunch of bananas, but instead we insert some proxy for the amount of effort it took to harvest the coconuts.