
how were you able to practice tetris with all those dates with hot chicks you went on?

I actually achieved the high scores and took a photo. This was when very few people had an expensive setup with the earliest Photoshop, and I could have modified the scores. I even had a dye sublimation printer that could fake out a real photo, which was what you had to mail to Nintendo Power. I never did fake a

I knew a guy that pronounced Queue "K-way-way". We didn't correct him.

I'm a big "physical media" fan, but I'm not sure on this. I love the box, booklet, and swag, but the game on a USB drive . . . I could just buy a bunch of little ones and do that myself.

This article brought back many feelings for me, specifically of buying PC games in the 90's. I remember when PC games came not in DVD cases, nor in micro-boxes, but in full-sized boxes that were bigger than most novels. Ah, memories.

I have that game, but it's for the 3DO.

Buy a $4 USB female extension cord...

YES!! Awesome boxes (and manuals) are one of the greatest losses in PC gaming. I couldn't believe it when I picked up SC2 and discovered that even Blizzard, once a paragon of making great game manuals, had gone the cheap and easy route.

Butt animations, you say?

I see the white car slamming on it's breaks on a yellow light, and this dude having to swerve around (because he's following too closely) then a Van in the middle of the damn intersection not paying attention and making a turn.

Umm, does anyone notice that the white car in front of him had a green light and just stopped the second it turned yellow? He wasn't paying total attention and had to swerve to avoid rear ending the white car, then the van, not knowing he's coming, made a left turn in front of him. The GIF is completely misleading.

Just curious, but, when are conspiracy theorists no longer going to be called kooks?

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"Make an idiotic comment with this one weird trick"

How is this not tech news? Also if you get your news from CNN I'm sorry...

And here I was being chewed out and accused of being paranoid in another thread when I said I didn't want to give the NSA anything more than what's already available through for pictures and videos of my home and body with the xbox one.

usually it's man vs. man... just substitute alien for mobster, indians (in old westerns), etc... this is definitely the case in things like star trek or star wars.

I really appreciate your response. The thing that people tend to do, when topics like this come up, is lump people into two categories; those who believe that we were capable of landing on the moon and returning to earth successfully (many times) and the nut jobs who believe every crazy conspiracy theory that comes

No. I'm a 33 year old Atheist who never bought into the doctrine of "faith". I'm just including my background in order to explain my understanding on the subject. I've been a science minded person for a majority of my life, by my own will. But, those who I've found to be opposed to the "lunar hoax" are more opposed