
Why did it look bad? Because there's the stereotype that the dude in the pink suit would be gay?

Shame if they did out of being spineless pussies. Social justice warriors are like little children, you just have to ignore them.

Pretty sure that's Julian Assange with a different cut.

Also, you can all take your tampons out. Your collective tears were apparently enough to get Ubisoft to knee jerk react and change the cover. Grats to all you pieces of shit, you're the cause of all kinds of wonderful self-censorship lest you cry your little baby tears about how something is so grossly offensive when

Isn't the POINT that it's most likely racism at play here? If this were a book people wouldn't give a shit, but for some reason other mediums are held to this insanely high politically correct standard. Grow the fuck up.

I suppose they should've just made the box art a blank white with a title of just "Farcry 4" in Times New Roman. That wouldn't be offensive right? But then again I suppose the title would offend anyone who's cried before? Or The cover wouldn't be the right shade of white.

I really liked that show!

Ever notice the solution is never to raise the poor up, but rather to bring the rich down?

Erase the differences — by making everybody impoverished?

Regulated free market. Works every time because it is built on the natural desire for everyone to want something better. At its worst it is greed but when you harness that drive everyone benefits. The only thing that hamstrings it is socialist agenda and wealth redistribution. It just isn't obvious so the uneducated

Reading that reply, I am reminded of a quote:

Don't count on seeing "The Legend of Zelda: Shard of Nightmare" this year, or anything else you might see on a giant "leaked list" of E3 presser announcements. These decisions are constantly in flux, and bullet-pointed lists of game names are the easiest thing in the world to fake.

That right there is skill, it took me well over a year to slowly finish this game at the lowest level possible during school as well as the release of many other games. Twas an awesome game (Squall>Cloud) but Final Fantasy VI conquers them all.

Or ever move a mattress/couch up a flight of stairs.

Love at first sight

I think what Giuseppe's lack of intelligent discussion skills mean to say, was that this video has nothing to do with anything, and was only relevant at all because of Reddit. It should probably should go to a site like Sploid which was specifically designed as a dumping ground for this kind of worthless stuff, as it

Over exaggeration or not, Kotaku has become too dependent on reposts from other sites. Taking credit for the story is not the issue. Its the sense that... you guys aren't doing your jobs as journalists to deliver insightful commentary on the video game industry and other related fields. This is all the more

All Rob ever writes is ultra left wing biased articles that don't make any sense...I'm actually not religious, but I find his columns offensive and just dumb and bring the site down. His writing and posts just look like attacks against people with different views and opinions. Oh yeah and his global warming articles

Spanish is ezpz. That being said, you should look into the Rosetta Stone software. It really does work. With it I've learned English almost fluently and have started learning Turkish.