
Moral of the story?

this is after the Chinese intelligence agency checks the onboard memory for potentially juicy items. My company doesn't allow our phones to be returned to Apple for replacement until we can verify they've been wiped. They're terrified the Chinese will mine them for our data.

Incoming: People who can't take a joke.

Too many rage quits in unison.


somebody sucks at painting weights

your naivety is cute. Planes LOL Maybe it was a Carbon Fiber plane that also hit building 7, how else would you explain the demolition style fall into place.

I don't think that's true. I see FF Tactics on the top of the best-sellers list on PSN all the time. I think people are just skeptical about *this* project, for the reasons I listed above.

agreed. stop whining and start working harder...

That's super cynical m8

I know it is ridiculous. I'm not saying " don't post it" I'm just saying throw up a small spoiler tag. I had seen that season, but there is no reason to not add a spoiler tag, for people who haven't! It isn't expensive or time consuming.


What a stupid comment. Maybe the Utopian statists don't want to visualize what a crapload of debt looks like? I wouldn't bet the US still holds that much gold. Germany has requested much of their gold back because of this doubt. Do some research.

Kind of off the subject, but did anybody ever figure out where all those pallets of $100 bills that went missing in Iraq wound up?

Worried someone would beat me to it. Guess not! Enjoy.

That was cool. I am surprised nobody has done this before actually. I guess because it doesn't really promote the band all that well since you can't actually make out their faces.

Stuff like this makes the designer in me wanna scream.

Now playing

The arrogant self important humans (liberals) are gonna save the planet. Super Humans to the rescue!

I got it, Youtube surfing. Went from Have a Little Faith In Me Girl to Rosarito to Trailer Ras. It's Trailer Ras. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YES. Since '08 I wanted to convince myself it was Sublime. We have what we have from Brad and that's it, but this one goes to the Long Beach Dub All Stars after all. Thanks.