
I have the same model laptop, and had this very same issue. I feel your pain.

Oh shut up. You're intentionally trying to pick out semantics to support your prejudice. You know full well I was referring specifically to the poser women. No one's trying to steal your geek card.

It's not that women are getting into gaming that's the issue.

I think you hit on the heart of the problem. For many, many games, there IS a reason to pirate. The games aren't that good and/or they're too expensive and/or there are too many other options that are better and cheaper.

I don't know where you live, but I have been using Netflix for over four years now, and have had no problem with streaming or selection choices.

There are two ways you can tackle piracy: the way that doesn't work (threats, control and lockdowns) and the way that does (offering a superior service to piracy).

This article could have been one sentence long:

It's great that you're using a George Carlin bit to criticize 9/11 conspiracy theorists considering he was one. Fucking douche.

If you don't know what thermite has to do with controlled demolitions, then maybe you should spend more time researching than you do spouting ego-based judgments.

Herein lies the problem with 'skeptics.' You set up these straw men, and slash them down instead of listening to the actual arguments made and making any attempt of your own to investigate the claims. Then you walk away with your chest puffed out like you're some sort of intellectual superior.

$4.99? Why am I paying $10?

How did you get a job in game dev without knowing anything about game dev? Not a snarky question, I'm being serious.

Sure, you could disprove conspiracy theories with cliche one-liners fueled by a condescending tone.

Warning to libertarians: This is primarily pro-government propaganda so far.

Now Gizmodo is going to have to publish another article about how conspiracy theorists are nut jobs to counteract another article like this that proves they have been right all along.

I can never get enough of it, all games are art pieces.

This exact scenario has happened plenty of times in situations where the SWAT got the wrong house. The owner believes they're being burgled and defends himself and gets lit up.

The lesson? Don't fucking swat people. Ever. It's massively dangerous and irresponsible.

I would 100% play a high rez remake of Chrono Trigger if these were the in-game sprites.