
I played it originally on 3DO, and later played it again on PC. I felt like there were things missing in the PC version? Like the Morale system? I never did check to see if they really were different.

Agh. Sometimes I want to hit people like you.

Sure, secret societies exist, but if you believe any of them have an agenda to control political and world events, then you're a fucking nut job psychopathic imbecile conspiracy theorist.

Wow, haven't seen anyone talk that hard out of their own ass in a while.

The responses to your comment are deliciously ironic considering the video is all about how you shouldn't have confirmation bias and the common belief fallacy.

"...and has been abandoned by serious anonymity-seekers who know better for three."

In about 15 years, those kids are going to think back on this commercial, and immediately rest their foreheads in their hands.

Maybe libertarian rage is a response to asshole fucks like you? Maybe it's how instead of detailing the logical fallacies, you rely on character assassination and making wild arguments with no supporting data. I've read over most of your posts in response to this article, and not one single time did you say anything

Yes, trust. Trust and a monopoly on currency. You go to prison if you try to compete with the dollar.

What's funny is how I've never met a libertarian who didn't spend large chunks of their days reading text books and listening to lectures while I've never met a keynesian who did.

Interesting. According to stereotypes, I would have expected this map inverted.

Just curious, but, when are conspiracy theorists no longer going to be called kooks?

There's the familiar irony in the responses to your initial post here. You make the simple argument that there's a lot of faith-based reasoning in response to conspiracy theories, and say nothing about your own belief regarding the moan landing or any other conspiracy theory. The responses have been overwhelmingly

I really do wish someone somewhere realized this. This weekend's PSN sale is pretty disheartening to those who were hoping for some Vita deals. I would buy Back to the Future on Vita in a heartbeat, on sale or not. I really like the system, but honestly, I pretty much only ever play PS1 classics on it :\


If you're really a scientist, you need to go back to school. You're confusing faith in your own beliefs with fact.

It's been almost two weeks. I expect that you've started FFT by now.