This is a remaster, not a remake. Remaking all three of these games isn’t reasonable and would be far beyond the scope of RE2 Remake.
This is a remaster, not a remake. Remaking all three of these games isn’t reasonable and would be far beyond the scope of RE2 Remake.
They talked about how they’re adding in a lot more chaos and destruction on Eden Prime, so I’d wait to see in motion. We’re talking smoke, plumes of ash, fire, etc.
I remember the thrill of ME2 at release, and how NOBODY had any clue about how the Suicide Run was supposed to go down. Being on the Bioware forums as people started up the Suicide Run is a thrill I’ll never forget.
I’m throwing this comment in here because in an article demanding better online, one of the most overlooked fighting games - Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - failed to get mentioned.
Gutless cowards.
You said “the fans’ investment”. Fans would recognize Liara. Anyone else would just be intrigued by sexy blue alien girl.
Andromeda was the total opposite of continuing the Shepard saga. It was ignoring everything about it to do a soft-reboot.
It’s clearly Liara, though. They weren’t exactly hiding that.
I joke so bad it cost them millions of dollars. Not even Adam Sandler at his worst could claim that.
I promised EA years ago I’d have money reserved for this and I’m making good on that promise.
Screw Activision-Blizzard.
Well... this sucks.
I know it was to be expected he’d be on some covers given his death, and I understand a lot of people still view him as a sports legend making the following statement difficult and raw...
I literally tried to reverse-Google search the image.
I was not expecting to wake up to this news. I was complaining about the lack of any follow-up to Pokemon Snap just yesterday. LONG overdue.
Nintendo did that when they brought back classic Mario with the “NEW Super Mario Bros.” series.
Well, that was a dumb, racist, tone-deaf thing to say...
Again, HELL no. Don’t even start with the “not all cops” thing.