
He said he didn’t want people FROM those countries, regardless of skill or merit. He said he wanted more people from, of all things, Norway. It undermines everything people vouching for a skill-based immigration reform have pushed for because “Norway” is not a skill...

The animation quality is great. Just stylized.

It’s a Sony 1st-party game. Those are technically Sony servers they’re running on.

I third this. I got Christmas money and I was eye Gravity Rush 2 at my local Gamestop just yesterday.

Isn’t this WHY we pay for PSN?

Funny enough, my gamer friend and I often use the Xenoblade series as a reason why we liked FF12, but felt that FF12 was unrealized potential that the Xenoblade series took fuller advantage of.

Unfortunately, the town theme was one of them.. and another was the battle theme.

As someone who thinks XB1 is his favorite game, didn’t much care for XBX, I can safely say that XB2 is the real deal and one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had this year.

Played them all this year, but thus far Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is probably going to be my GOTY. I thought Horizon: Zero Dawn or Breath of the Wild would take that honor, but I just can’t put XB2 down.

*shrug* Just opinion. As I mentioned, I’ve cut my teeth on dozens of beloved games with menus so complicated and obtuse they have tutorials about how the tutorials work. Xenoblade and Xenoblade 2 didn’t even register with me.

I did read it. I commented in that review as well, and as I said then and say here... I never experienced that tedium he says he felt. He said tutorials are too frequent (I’m not getting that) and that you can’t revisit them (you can literally find them in shops) and that battles took too long (not for me because I’m

I’m still not sure where any tedium might come from. The game is extremely lenient on death and combat losses. You can save at any time. You have a gazillion methods to boost your strength. You can fast-travel from the get-go with minimal load times. I’ve never had to spend a moment grinding, and any items I needed

A great game gets even better.

THIS soundtrack is god-tier. It’s GREAT.

I’m (only) 30 hours in, and I have not found the game ever tedious or frustrating yet. Same for the original Xenoblade as well.

Missed opportunity...

This was a year of TOO MANY GOOD GAMES.

Oh I relate to this.

Oldie but goodie...

I played a LOT of this growing up.