
Is being a feminist a bad thing? It’s not where I’m from.

I’m not Caucasian. I’m actually half-Japanese, half-Native American, born in Japan and I grew up with the franchise since the NES days.

Third person to claim this.

The misbelief that criticism of sex means the critic has an aversion to sex is pretty faulty. I have a rather healthy love of it - as does my wife, but that doesn’t make it appropriate for every scenario or context.

Just because they’re fiction doesn’t mean they don’t have impact or signficance. I often bring up that great works of fiction starring make-believe people have altered the course of human history and changed our laws and our society. Sinclair’s The Jungle, Ellison’s Invisible Man, Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Stowe’s

Or, you know, it genuinely, legitimately bothered some people. Like myself, or my wife, or my best friend, or many other people I’m talking to about it online who have experienced the game.

Lol. Second person to bring this up, and it gave me another chuckle.

There’s a time and a place, though, and the old adiom of “sex sells” isn’t even universally true (otherwise games like “BMXXX” or “Rumble Roses” would have been huge sellers instead of financial flops).

Do you stick with the Japanese language track?

Thanks for the discussion. Japan is a very great place, even if it has its own eccentricities. We’re not a hive-mind, so you’ll find some bad apples, but more than a few great people here.

It shouldn’t.

That feels like an actual overreaction.

They’re not universally terrible across the board. I actually think Aranea is the best female character in the game thus far.

Both are worth discussion. I’ve said elsewhere, I like the bros in the game. They’re fine. And that’s what makes the handling of the women so odd.

Well, for starters, some people do speak out about these portrayals, and not just uber-conservative groups.

Lightning has her own set of issues, of which I’ve spoken of extensively...

Give me a brief moment to laugh just a bit.

I have little issue with the four main boys.

Context. Boobs on display at a beach is normal.

Yeah. She was watching me play and there were some moments involving Cindy where she went to the bedroom to play Dragon Quest VII instead. I couldn’t really blame her...