
True story. My wedding dress got sold out from under me. A new bridal consultant somehow didn't understand the meaning of the "hold for Jennifer Wilson" sign & sold my dress to another customer. I didn't have a hissy. I didn't demand anyone get fired. I may have shakily asked if it could be ordered in time. It could

Let me guess Eileengency (and fellow Team Angela twits), you've never worked retail and/or get a sadistic joy out of making retail workers lives a living hell.

This may answer some questions. (Thanks to Tumblr for being the internet sleuth we all need.)

The customer isn't always wrong. Angela, however, is so wrong she's almost right again only because it is so ridiculous. They're candles. Take the smaller ones. Go home and order them online. Candles.

you left out Rebecca Rose!

I love how bad people are at all kinds of fraud.

Yeah, that's terribly confusing language. "Tax return" is not synonymous with "refund," as you still have to file a return if you owe taxes at the end of the year. I thought the article was suggesting that the lady filed a tax return reporting adjusted gross income of $94 million, which wouldn't be super

Florida's Floridaness is spreading north to Georgia. Someone call the CDC!

eleven billionty.

go large or go home

You don't get it Red, they were touched by a cold fork. A COLD FORK! And someone told them it was going to be hot, but it wasn't!

So is this more condiments for your total nothing burger?

Wake up earlier and get your coffee in? I always have to poop within 20 minutes of caffeine intake.

They all are assholes; including the writer.

E-5's with dependents make $30K a year PLUS at least $12k for housing in someplace like Ft. Rucker. That's not counting how many other benefits they get and how much of it is tax-free. I don't have any particular dislike of military men (I'm married to one), but don't pretend they are poor. Then there's the

I expect my human barbies to look like human barbies. Captivating and disturbing! This is just a trashy looking blonde.

Hey, there's a long tradition of rich kids playing derelict for the ART of it all. You just don't understand her carefree and bohemian lifestyle, MAN.

When people bump into me on the strett, I mutter "Whore" under my breath indiscriminate of whether it was a man or a woman.

I find I only enjoy the use of the word "slutty" when it's used to describe something I wouldn't typically think of being capable of exuding sluttiness. Examples include:

I was a resident DJ in DC for several years and I just want to repeat this ad nausem: