
I agree. I had a cat named Ginobili who was relentlessly naughty until he discovered how to use the doggie door. He loved to explore and get all of his cat frustrations out successfully when he was roaming the neighborhood. And then he was hit by a car and is dead. The end.

This may be the vodka talking, but that was fucking beautiful.

Jesus Christ, this woman annoys the shit out of me. Someone please take her away.

Nothing wrong with looking for a new wife while you're still married. It's called "hedging" one's bet. He can be like: Didn't work out with the ginger? It's all good, I still have Fran and the kids.

Now you've piqued my interest.

Grandma is that you?

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Or so they say.

I call bullshit. And semantics. Like right now, I just murdered the shit out of a double double from In-n-Out. I believe the alternative term is "kilt." Like I just kilt that [dat].

Is it me, or does Harvey always look high? Not that I'm watching TMZ on a reg, but when I see snippets of his show, he looks like he's hopped up on pain killers or benzos. Maybe another tabloid outlet will break the story.

*Hiccup* You gotta read the police reports *hiccup*. READ THEM NOW! before you start making assum*hiccup*ptions.

You have to read the police reports, then. She was drunk as hell and unreliable source of info. Several witnesses gave their version of what happened and Bristol looks really bad.

Did someone message Jen to let her know her 15 minutes have started? She should know she's got a super hot brunette playing her in the youtube adaptation.

Yes, yes and yes. Case in point: The baby killing "hot car dad" is from Georgia. He tried to get all Casey Anthony in Georgia.

I filed a $88 million tax return, but luckily for me, I had Turbo Tax and it totally guarantees me against any audits.

They do say that CEO's have the most psychopaths. And psychopaths abuse dogs. Ergo, CEO's abuse dogs.

Twins scenario: I may be off base, and this is just a theory. I'm thinking the friend is passive aggressively or jokingly trying to take a jab at the mother to the twins. In other words, she may be trying to say "It's not fun for me to hear about you complain about how hard it is to have twins all the fucking time;

Do you not see the hypocrisy in your statement? Jesus Christ man, read your initial statement, then read your follow up.

Hey asshole, I'm all for supporting those who legitimately need it.

I once knew of a meth addict who gave birth and each time she gave birth, the baby tested positive for meth. Each time, the state took the baby away and each time, the new child was given up for adoption. Each child was born addicted to meth which I'm sure is a horrific experience for the little one. The woman is in