
You'd be surprised. I used to audit welfare and food assistance cases for fraud, which is why I'm so passionate about this subject. I'd see bank statements and receipts- none of it would be a red flag for fraud, but some people were clearly used to taking advantage of the system. Which is why you'll always hear about

It's really not a huge impact. But one homeless adult can receive foodstamps. This homeless adult can receive assistance and comply with job search. If this homeless adult is a heroin addict, you may need to help them hit rock bottom and get them into some sort of drug program like Salvation Army. For the record, a

No, I'm in favor of helping someone seek a resolution to their own long term issues, even if it costs a little more. I am empathetic towards addicts and I know that the only thing which will create change or move them towards seeking help would be if someone else forces it upon them.

The system is so fucked, that I don't know what would be most effective. It's different from state to state. So a person can receive TANF, which is cash funds for up to five years of his/her life. If receiving TANF, the person will absolutely need to comply with job training, schooling or if necessary, drug treatment.

I'm not conservative and fail to see your logic in regards to this story. Welfare would still be available to those who aren't using. Where's the personal responsibility for those who are accepting welfare and getting high instead of getting a job? What I see is a bunch of people so blinded by hatred towards

FYI, if a parent is disqualified for any reason, her children are still eligible for food stamps. So, a mother who was previously receiving $xxx for 5 people, will now only receive $xxx for 4 people because she has been disqualified. The children do not have to go hungry.

If a parent is disqualified from food stamps, the children would still be eligible. So if you have one parent disqualified and 5 kids, she will still receive food stamps for 5.

I'm in favor. I've worked as a bleeding heart in several different types of non-profit and state agencies. As a bleeding heart by nature, even I get incredibly pissed about the leeches who defraud the state (claim disability when they are not disabled) and who are perfectly willing to get high and keep procreating

The more socially acceptable term "Kaffi" limes can be used in certain circles (i.e., only black people can say it). You add the r to it and it just changes the meaning.

Holy shite, that watch is beautiful. If I was a dude, I'd be hard right now.

I don't mean to be snarky. For the most part, I believe the public is intentionally kept in the dark. I mean, Jeez, slave labor would be a PR nightmare for some of these companies.(!) Even the spokespeople who put their names on a product don't find out until it's plastered all over the news. But they [local

It's psychiatrists who they believe are the devil. scientologists believe they are the masters of real psychology.

Take it easy and stop getting your panties in a bunch.

Have you ever watched Shameless? The father is an example of a true alcoholic. If you know medical science than can prove your statement, you should cite your source.

No, but what he's saying is that he can be born homosexual and then just choose not to be.

He's on the right track, but I think he also doesn't quite understand alcoholism. An alcoholic would not be able to change the fact that he/she is an alcoholic, just as a gay man wouldn't be able to turn off his "desire." Every true alcoholic will wish and hope and pray for the day that will come where they can drink

Thank you! This guy is an uber douche. A few months ago, I happened to listen to his interview on Howard Stern. What a narcissist. Absolutely nothing about him impressed me, yet I got the vibe that he had this grandiose sense of importance. Yuck.

Well, she was right on one thing: She wasn't going to be there for long.

She's 49. And she lives in Nevada. I think it varies from state to state, if I'm not mistaken. When I looked at the insurance plans to choose from, I looked at the provider list to determine which would have a wider network. Keep in mind she makes I think less than 10$/hr.