
Sorry, I've been rifling through the comments and couldn't find the obvious question: What about Obama care? My aunt, who is also an addict, is now after many years of drug use is a part of the working poor. She works in retail, of course, she can't afford much. This year, I signed her up for ACA and she qualified for

@ Durazno- STOP, you're making me hungry. You had me at "meat dripping in fat."

Taking an ayahuasca "cleanse" is like saying I did a peyote detox. Sounds legit. Next week, we are juicing with LSD.

How old is Samy, or Amy? Men can have kids until they hit the grave, women are the ones with a time limit.

Well, one thing we can thank them for is the fact that they don't have any children. Thank you, Amy and Samy, for not procreating!

Yep. I did a double take. I saw the first few words "I have been a streetwalker for the last 6 years..." and had already clicked on a different link. I had to click the back button, find the comment and read it fully.

In the UK, they are using injections called Melanotan. You can guess what it's used for. The moment you start injecting [black market] tan boosters, I think you have a serious problem. One continent trying in vain to make themselves darker and the other trying to make themselves whiter.

OMG. That's just cray.

But it's a legit reason to use such a cream. Without disclosing my own ethnic background, I will say that I love my skin color. I get compliments on how exotic I look and wouldn't change my color for the world. But I also have terrible, terrible facial complexion. I feel embarrassed without foundation on because of

For some reason I thought those creams were to lighten dark spots due to acne scarring or sun spots. Kind of to even skin tone out to it's original color.

I've been watching the show for years. I think she toned back on her usage/drinking. I recall watching the show sometimes and hearing her slur her words, I swear she was on opiates (vicodin). At that time, I used to cringe because it was so obvious. I don't detect it anymore so I think she had some sort of minor

I'm a fan of Chelsea. She's self-deprecating and makes fun of all of her staff, not just Chuy. The people on her staff make up a motley crew of folks; none of them are Hollywood elite and I think that's what makes it great. I don't see her as dehumanizing Chuy or any of her staff, I think she[the writers] actually huma

Yes. With Jaden Smith and that damn forehead wrinkle look that he employs.

Singing nuns never grows old. In fact, I smell a Sister Act sequel in the making....

daayum! I can't get past how rude these guys are. Is it just Boston where guys have straight up no manners and act like 14 year olds? East Coast thing? Someone enlighten me.

Did you not have any dating partners before? Even when I was a young one, and before I was sexually active, I was cheated on by my boyfriend. I was in puppy love, 18 years old and he knocked up his ex. Even though at this point I don't count him as an integral part of my adult life, the experience of feeling betrayed

I respect her for her efforts. I appreciate that she took on a project and researched it- not that I'll ever read or buy the book. It reminds me of Eva Longoria, who is or was studying for her masters degree in Chicano studies because she's passionate about the cause. Neither one of these actresses needed to put

I didn't read it that your partner will always cheat on you. I took it to mean that you will be cheated on in life. There will be one point in your lifetime where you will experience it, not necessarily in your current relationship. You can't continue to be bitter about it, it happened. Move on.

Angels looking over you. Watching you.

Now playing

Oh look. I found the episode on Youtube. Takin it back to the old school.