
No no, we didn't get paid. We had to put effort into it as if we were getting paid, but we weren't. It felt like work. But I'm a small towner, so I put all my heart into laughing and cheering like an assclown because it was exciting and not many people get a chance to see a tv show live.

I once saw an old Twilight Zone episode where the character adjusted his bathroom mirror and discovered a camera behind it. It was like the Truman Show. I was just a kid and now am still afraid of hidden cameras.

I went to a taping of Chelsea Lately, which was fun and very fast. It was a bizarre experience, laughing your ass off at everything that wasn't funny- like we were getting paid to laugh. In Chelsea's case, I could see how stuffy folks would not have a good time, having to laugh and all. The guy next to me was a snooze

This kid has the ability to sounds drunk. And I know because I'm around a lot of drunks,

The cunt guy was responded to. That's why his comment stopped being gray.

That's called rehab in Malibu, but it's not reality. Save 50 grand and go to Tarzana.

I'm hard pressed to believe that acting is a hard earned skill. Really now, you have a grown ass woman who makes a ton of money playing pretend. Girl's not curing cancer or anything and yet she demands such a high level of respect.

Well, I really liked My Girl, Queen of Housewives, Couple or Trouble (remake of the US movie Overboard) and probably a couple of others. There is a movie called My Sassy Girl, which I liked; and they even made a US version which was terrible and didn't have the same quirkiness to it. The US version was just sad and

This is how I got hooked. A Korean friend of mine gave be her box set of My Lovely Sam Soon to watch. She bugged me for a month before I finally sat down to try out one episode. It was over from there. I'm finding that the super popular ones are not on my best of list, though. I couldn't get though Coffee Prince or

Yes! My first K-drama was My Lovely Sam Soon. It opened the doors to a whole new world for me.

That's sweet. I like that you have confidence in her sobriety.

Now playing

I was watching a doc on VICE and stumbled upon their own very bizarre mini-documentary on Valeria. It totally changed my perception of her- not negatively or positively- just altered. She speaks of her ability to astral trip and speak with deities. It's not for show either- her reality is different than the norm.

I'm pretty sure this was a Law & Order SVU episode.

Jesus, that's straight pedo material.

I live in the desert and for some godforsaken reason, dogs like these are popular to own (why won't they learn it's inhumane to bring a husky-type dog to the desert?) I wonder if filming one of these random dogs will catch me a story in the Daily News. I'll even put sound effects in my youtube video. WHAT is that

I once knew about a black guy who named his kid "Blanket." Ok, I'm just kidding. He was white.

Yes, yes. Where you can kill a child, as friedpickles stated. Caylee Anthony, Trayvon Martin and now Jordon Davis. I am personally emailing my congressman to ask that they support sending the GPS coordinates of Florida to Kim Jong Un as a peace offering. Or Iran, whichever country would benefit us in having a

Death penalty wouldn't be given in this case. I believe they already took that off the table, even if there had been a guilty verdict.

Fuck LeVian. I used to sell jewelry and the LeVian rep from CA was just a pompous ass and even then, their product was shit. (I still secretly wanted to buy a piece when they had trunk shows)

Aw, I know. I kinda wanna feel bad for them, because you know most of them started out with nothing and this was their big opportunity. But then I realize the crazy shit they had to have done to blow through millions.