
Let me get this straight. You wanna sue your employee because you were ballin' out of control? Get your shit together and budget those millions. Learn from the NBA'ers who are now broke. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Oh, yes! I watched Orphan Black and loved it. I couldn't stop watching it once I started. Spoiler alert: it's best to not know what the premise is about. It leaves more to the mystery.

Some Girls seems to be well rated. I will try this out as well as the others. I have a big thing for Korean Dramas, so I'm going to recommend that you all give them a shot as well. Hulu has a channel called "Drama Fever". The first show I ever watched was My Lovely Sam Soon, which is one of the many they offer on

I had searched on a bit torrent site. My browsing history doesn't generally give me porn related ads, but on those sites, it's hard to avoid pics of giant boobs jiggling in the side bar.

Ruh-roh. When I search for "fresh meat" you don't want to know how much porn I have to sift through to find the actual show.

Since we're on the topic, can anyone recommend other British TV shows that one with no moral qualms might download illegally? There have to be some gems that we in the US never hear about.

I hope she sicks her dragons on you.

I think crippling his entire family financially will probably be for the best. Let's say they sentence him to actual jail; he'd likely serve a little jail time and be out in time for his 21st birthday celebration. Financially, his parents will suffer, the people responsible for this entitled twit; and the public

It's not about how she looks, it's about what she does to get there. Is she obsessing about what she eats and denying nutrients for the sake of controlling her weight? Some people are naturally thin and don't need to obsess in order to maintain their weight.

I freaking love this!

Oh for fuck's sake. I prefer Hollywood's depiction of the average Russian. And I'm going to disregard everything in these photos and postings.

Clicking on the link ruined all my previous misconceptions about Russians. I thought Russia was a magical place where the Vladimirs were all 6'4 and ripped and all the Oksanas were brunette models with sharp features and crystal blue eyes.

I'm pretty sure you photoshopped those sexy panties.

Really. All I'm saying is that if they want to see un-retouched Lena Dunham, watch Girls. Plenty of un-photoshopped footage to see what she really looks like.

I lived in Hawaii for several years and never seen so many kids with silver teeth. I do not know this child or what kind of situation she had personally; however, I knew so many parents who would give their kids passion or guava fruit juice in a bottle. And by fruit juice, I mean sugar water.

First world problems.

Many of my clients are addicts and occasionally, I hear stories of how they unknowingly ended up in scientology rehabs (narconon). I felt bad for one particular individual who got suckered into cashing out the 401K and giving it to them. This person was vulnerable because of mental illness and after narconon rehab:

Her body is back. Meanwhile, her face is still missing. Where did Kim's face go?

Not because of one quote. Because he's been a giant, unstable narcissist involved in a crazy cult which enables his narcissism.

Are you not under the school of thought that believes "all publicity is good publicity"? It worked to kick off the family fame (i.e., Kim's sex tape) why not with Kendall as well? People purport to hate the Kardashians, but we cannot do much to get rid of them. If you have ever heard of payola, I believe the