
TMZ is solely responsible for keeping the Kardashians famous. Every day, they post one or more story about the family. My sense is they are getting kick backs to keep them relevant and this has worked for many years. Thank you, Harvey Levin, for single handedly taking American media down several notches. You can

Tom Cruise has such a grandiose sense of self, it's repulsive. What a twat.

Skip the paint huffing and you'd be good.

Back to Jocelyn W.- I am surprised to find that she's 70. I think we should give her a pass from this point forward. People 70 and up will get a free pass from mockery should they want to adopt the cat look.

I always use my husband's name. And looking at my female friends, this is definitely the trend. They say "Charles and his pot brownies," or "Jim's going apeshit right now," etc.

A few days ago, I was getting updates on my phone about the Navy Yard shooting. This led to patchy information at best as I was working and didn't have time to read all the details. From what I gathered, the police had more than one suspect; and before officially naming the shooter, he was confirmed as dead. I

I'm a little disappointed they chose not to include her signature white camel toe pants. That's like Dolly Parton without cleavage. Or Tammy Faye without makeup on.

Except that he's likely regurgitating the philosophy of his scientology related education. It's a common belief among scientologists that public schools will medicate your children and turn them into walking zombies.

I agree; however, I work for a "non-profit" which caters to wealthy people (don't ask, I'd rather not say). It is fee for service and these wealthy folks pay an inordinate amount of money for services. Our CEO has made a RIDICULOUS amount of money, effectively making him a millionaire on this job. Alternatively,