
Ok, but those college students either earned the scholarship on merit or they have to repay the loans. Welfare applicants do neither.

Yea, I have the same adoration for watches, even the ghastly ones because I think about how awesome it would be to be a watch engineer. Look at this monstrosity and tell me it wouldn't be awesome to be on the team designing it. A bit too steampunk, but still:


You're not getting my point, but nice of you there, mate.

The other equivalent would be if someone made a candy in the shape of exaggerated noses and called them "Hebe-y Jeebies."

I don't know why there would be such an outrage over this. I purposely buy Hebrew National because I love me some Jew-dogs. The Kosherer, the betterer.

Nope. Sorry, they were terrible.

Pictures of partially nude butts are enough for your husband to masturbate? Poor guy. That is a REALLY LOW threshold.

It is hand embroidered. You have to click though a few links to get to the images. You will see the dress and the label if you look through the slide show on here:

Shut the fuck up, you republican commie. There's no wya you could know what every comment section is like. The founding fathers had no problem being civil on the internet, so people can be good. You just want everyone to hate each other so you can force your red policies on everyone!!!!!11!!!!1!

I stopped halfway through once I realized this was literally every comment thread that ever is, was, and will be on absolutely every past, present, and future website.

That's silly. They let alcoholics get married.

Oh, she dances.

Which is better? Hmm, well, I got through 15 seconds of Miley before I had to turn it off and 32 seconds of Lana... so Lana? But only that which-four-loko-flavor-do-you-want sort of way...

omg that's horrible, should probably come with a warning at the door.

Would parenting classes really be such a bad idea? Some knowledge on childhood development would have really helped out my parents who always expected me to act like I was 35.

I would really like to see a TLC The Channel vs. Rihanna Twitter feud