
Excuse me, hot dogs are made from the parts of a raccoon, a rat, a pigeon and a boot. That's just basic knowledge.

Skunk anus sounds like it would be really good with some hot sauce (says the woman who eats chitlins.)

Yeah, I think the colors are pretty, just not for a wedding dress. It looks like a prom dress.

I'm glad the Canadians are finally accepting us as their overlords.

My two cents: Chris Brown is going after Rihanna because she is goading her.

Is"my two cents" the new code word for "I am making shit up"? Thus giving you right to say anything illogical and absurd? Just my two cents ;)

You should probably stop talking now.

funny, I see a man remaining extremely calm and refusing to engage in physical violence in spite of a four minute assault.

Are you joking right now? "I don't make knee jerk reactions about someone I don't know based on blurry surveillance video"
please refer to your initial comment "it seems clear we are witnessing her reaction to his behavior (and it's obviously an overflow, a build-up over time, hence her getting physical). Look at how

You sure are digging for excuses for this woman's violent outburst.

First of all, she was hitting and kicking him. She was trying to beat him up even if she didn't succeed.

I wold guess it depends on the state, I'm guessing Florida because...Florida, amirite?

I am working in a small town in Colombia right now, and it appears that obesity is as big of a problem here as it is in some U.S. cities, like, say, Houston. The kids are fat, the teenagers are fat, the adults are fat. The diet is mostly carbs (yucca, rice, plantain, cornmeal based arepas, wheat flour based bread),

I don't hate religious conservatives, I have some friends who are religious conservatives! But there's no need for them to flaunt their lifestyle choices in public and they should NOT be allowed to have children to indoctrinate.

i'm actually taken aback by the number of people here who find this to be 100% legit. :-/

Having taught and brought up teenagers, it honestly looks to me more like a really angry boy wrote this.

The first amendment includes freedom of the press. Journalists/media outlets can print any info they obtain legally. It's not innocent until proven guilty like the courts.

Jesus, just admit you're avoiding gluten as a diet regime. If Emmy Rossum had a real problem with gluten, she wouldn't smash her face into a bagel, I promise.

I instantly disbelieved her too, because I am an addict/alcoholic, and although I never used that excuse for missing work, the stakes were never that high for me (having a show on OWN) and I'm sure that if they had been, I would have. If it were me, and I'd relapsed, and the stakes were that high, rather than admit I

Not to be incredibly jaded here, but how can you tell an addict is lying? Their lips are moving.