
He's starting to look like Wayne Newton.

Something about Paris Hilton always looks very 2002. She just does not evolve stylistically, and it's never more evident as at Coachella every year.


Oh they have children, they're just trapped in cat's bodies. Meow. Meow. Meow. Chhrrrup. Mew. Meow.

I don't like acrimony and screaming and shit like that. This would be my ABSOLUTE nightmare. If I were one of their sons I would commit cat suicide.

Macau University: in one class i had classmates called Beautiful and Cinderella. and i remember someone called Melancholy, but they pronounced it Mela-cho-lee.

THIS THIS OH MY GOD. It angers me when I see brightening products touted as a race thing. They're not designed to make your skin lighter than nature did, and they're not to be confused with products that are (because there are such products, and Lancome doesn't make them).

Not a comment on the skin lightening issue - just want to pass along something that has helped my long "treasured" acne. I've never tried the retin-a and I make this recommendation with a big warning that it can irritate sensitive skin or skin that is not used to having the kitchen sink (or whatever can be mixed up

they are. they're also misused and adverstised as overall whitening creams in some places, and that's a problem, but they also have a very legitimate use.

It's regrettable how it's used sometimes, but it's a good product. When you're old enough to get an age spot, you'll understand.

do you mean streetwalker or pedestrian?

Yes, still obligatory since she has basically once again fallen off the face of the Earth and the LAPD is being very... weird about it.

Depends on your measure of success. Since her divorce, homegirl has done almost 30 movies (including ones currently in production) had 3 Academy Award nominations and 1 win, and 8 Golden Globe nominations with 2 wins.

Wow. That's super creepy. Makes all my hairs stand on end.

It's Charlize. She has a production company, likes ganja, was rumored to be dating Seth McFarlane and Michael Fassbender (co-stars), has a child, is kind of cray cray, etc. Plus, someone brought the IMDB credits and Charlize had the same assistant for Young Adult, Snow White and the Huntsman, and Prometheus and then

Humor isn't something everyone agrees on— I never understand why some people think they're the arbiter of funny. I don't love Chelsea, but I *loathe* Silverman. In my opinion, Natasha Leggero, Chelsea Peretti, Kulap Vilaysack and Amy Schumer are all 10x funnier than either Silverman or Handler— but that's just my

I find her hilarious. Like every other human in earth, she's said some politically incorrect things but I really don't sense malice from her. I hope she ends up doing another talk show on a different cable network. She's actually a of interviewer.

To bad you are in the extreme minority. Chelsea Handlers show did very well for itself. Very funny woman and very good show. If Chelsea wanted to stay at E she could continue to make millions and millions a year till she was 6 feet under.

I love Handler. So what, wanna fight about it?

Her show always makes me laugh. There have been shows where I hurt from laughing. I hope she isn't away for long. Hope she brings all the regulars from her current show.