I agree with you. He is even hot in very shit films like W.E. Very shit films.
I agree with you. He is even hot in very shit films like W.E. Very shit films.
I watched that movie Madonna made about Wallis Simpson because he was in it. So I empathize.
G'Cat I could not agree with you more......this man is sexy sexy sexy.......and that movie is horrible...nay.....terrible but you know Oscar's heat drew me in, so I watched it on mute
Score, it's on Prime so I can expend zero effort to check it out.
I didn't need to click the link to know which movie you're talking about! I watched it on an airplane...terrible
AHA! I knew I recognized him from somewhere weird but recent. I saw this movie a few weeks ago thinking it would be a fun romp of a gothic forbidden romance but it was wet slimy trash. Emphasis on the wet. :P
Naw, Brandi deflects that way. What Kim does, IMO, is worse. Kim volleys up vague accusations —”I know about a truth that you don’t even want me to talk about, so I won’t say it on national television”— and leaves the implication of something truly diabolical just hanging there as her target has no way of defending…
anyone who partners up with Brandi will inevitable be arrested for drunken disorderly.
Totally. I used to shop there for work clothes. I’m tired of shelling out for silk shells with armholes so huge that I have to either wear a sweater or flash my clients with six inches of sideboob. And what’s up with the sheer blouses?
It’s not just that the prices have skyrocketed, it’s that the quality has tanked. In college I would splurge on one of their cashmere v-necks a year and gradually built up a nice little collection that lasted most of a decade. Two of the last three sweaters I bought there arrived with holes in them. Also 98% of their…
When I was younger and couldn’t afford tickets to these things I would always be so bummed out every year. Now that I’m old and could afford to go, there’s no way in hell I would. It’s dirty and there’s outhouses and youths on drugs!
I think you can sum up ALL of the books this way. Claire walks in to trouble, Jamie rescues her. The end.
This is sort of a general comment about Claire's brashness with the preface that I love Claire and think she's a phenomenal character though certain qualities telegraph differently on screen than from the page. So here goes: For a woman who time travelled back 200 years through some witchy Scottish rocks, she should…
I have enlarged pores, adult acne and very oily t-zone. No matter what season or temperature outside, I get greasy. I did, however, find my miracle foundation and setting powder for those LONG days (weddings, festivals, etc.)
Beard or not, always always sexy. Would bang in a heartbeat.