Gantz: Your Trusted Friend in Science.

Super Multitap Makes a Comback!

Aw, thank you. I appreciate that.

I actually recall an article about this from 2007.

Lasers, Holograms and Blowjobs.

Not to discredit other people but I literally cannot watch a movie a second time. I remember everything about it too well and it just feels like a waste of time. That's pretty much how I am with anything tied so directly to story.

Bah, I'm still on iOS 4....

What could you possibly gain from the 41st time?

What happens when you receive a text message in the middle of a raid or whathaveyou?

I find it disturbing there are people on their 70th+ playthrough of OOT

Not only did the timed link not work.

I love Legend 100% more than Secret.

I've always wondered....

ala Legend of Mana?

It's great to be in the Empire, today.

I think we should continue this trend and have some people allergic to peanuts review and critique peanut butters against each other.

That trailer just reminded me how much I hated Mech Assault's online.

You would be correct.

I mean, it looks classy but it's got to stop.

I'd like to think that some day, perhaps in the distant future, we might achieve true hands-free 3D.

He really does have some questionable "parties".