Gantz: Your Trusted Friend in Science.

It pains me that there was never any kind of sequel to this.

That was Ehrgeiz........

I have to say, I really love their Retro Rumble symbol.

Aside from XBL Admins jumping the gun on this, I just can't understand why someone would want to use their legal name with something like XBL or most anything on the internet.

Mind = Blown

Are you a wolf in horse's clothing?

If the usb port you plug the cable into isn't powerful enough, it will only charge the system while it's turned off. Otherwise if its something like an AC adaptor, it will charge while you use the system or in standby.

On a semi-related note.

I've had mine for a week now and I'm still ok with it.

Yes and no.

In what key ways would it differ from other outlets?

Oh man, that was probably the only thing that didn't mean anything to me.

My experience was that it was pretty neat and a very expanded universe but my mind exploded when Sovereign first spoke to you 1 on 1.


I don't think there's anyone out there that would mention Shrek 2 if they were asked about how good "old movies" were.

You're kidding, right?

Coca Cola: Modern Softdrink 1, 2 & 3?

You literally had it right there.

Poor choice of wording.

Entirely too many Y chromosomes to be relevant to my Shepard.