
Next time you should post the poll after your list. Frame it like “Now that you’ve seen out top 5 picks of the year, now let’s see what you guys thought of the year!” That way there’s no confusion over whether or not our opinion matters in your list (which many people seem to be under the impression it was).

People were always going to say they fucked up regardless of the end result.

The past games sold 2-3x the number they sold in Japan. Their biggest audience for Xtreme has always been the west.

You obviously care enough to comment on the article. If you didn’t care, you’d have not commented at all.

Obviously you since you seemed to have come to the article.

what about black men being called feminist if they some nice things about women? why white?

So white men can’t be feminist, but black men can? Asian men can? Wow... How about who ever believes men and women are equal and should be treated in society as such is a feminist.

I never know what to do with these kinds of cases. I am a survivor of rape, and deeply believe in showing support and compassion to victims, but at the same time I am deeply uncomfortable with the idea that a person’s personal and professional life can and should be ruined based on two tweets, with absolutely no

I was with you until the last bit. That is such a horrible, massive generalization that has no bit of merit to it.

The thing is though, this is an example of the boogeyman coming and actually taking someone’s toys away.It sounds like this game will not come west because people who never would have bought and played it complained about it.

11-18 - the price of games jouralism.

Wait, where’s the part where I run into the bench, tripping and falling over, then stand up on the back of the bench with my feet on the collision box but hovering in midair?

Maybe there’s two of em’

This is Jezebel, you have to be outraged! don’t think things through, everything is just as it seems and never has any deeper meaning!

Or, you could just not have kids you cannot afford.

They’re making a 3D CG Gantz anime! That’s pretty much all we know at this point. Oh, that, and it’s coming out in Japan and slated for 2016. Stay tuned for more.