You want the country to continue with neoliberal racist policies and classist polices. Fuck you. Fuck clinton. Guess you don’t give a fuck about the 10'000s of people that will die from her and Obama’s drone war
You want the country to continue with neoliberal racist policies and classist polices. Fuck you. Fuck clinton. Guess you don’t give a fuck about the 10'000s of people that will die from her and Obama’s drone war
I kind of have to ask that you do realize that this is not the current canon version of Wonder Woman, right? This is essentially an Otherworld story?
“Having such a big platform, I wanted to use it for good”
Tay is truly a weapon to surpass Metal Gear.
I wonder if she would have the same support if she didn’t have kids. You know because a woman’s worth is I having a man and she’s only a real woman if she has kids!
The use of mice as cloak clasps was pretty damn funny.
Really. So the numerous articles about unrealistic breast physics all criticized only games where the developers talked about how hard they worked to make them realistic?
Starwhal (Just the Tip) is the next closest thing, and it is an awesome party game.
They might seem addictive, but with basic self-control it’s easy to not spend money. I play a few mobile games, but I simply cannot justify spending the money they want on them. I’m fine with playing for a few minutes then coming back a few hours later. The prices those games charge is insane, and I have no idea why…
Did someone reference Geist? I think my heart is going to explode with pure joy.
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 is $30 at Best Buy today, instore clearance could be cheaper. Don’t forget the GCU!…
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 is $30 at Best Buy today, instore clearance could be cheaper. Don’t forget the…
24 dollars on Greenmangaming (PC ONLY) with code
24 dollars on Greenmangaming (PC ONLY) with code
Because not trying to create controvery out of a mundane thing is financial suicide to gaming journalism these days.
If that’s how she looks at 19, she’l be 200 pounds by the time she’s 30. It may be normal, but that’s an indictment on one of the world’s fattest countries.
I’m sorry, when did we all decide there was only ONE viewpoint? Let me explain this to you like I explain to my kids: My older son is bigger, stronger and older, and this comes with certain privileges and expectations when dealing with his littler sister. In spite of his relative POWER, she can still be abusive…