
I don’t know about that. The bible specifically condemns failure to believe in God. It’s okay with murdering kids for things like disobeying their fathers and I’m not sure it ever said anything about raping them. I think he has a point.

You could have just said, “wrong”, but okay.

I don’t need to be asked to give an opinion- fuck off.

She is in the public eye you twat. You never comment on how a celebrity looks or what they wear?

Yes because one damn game is a reason to condemn PC Gaming as a whole. How about the PC versions of MGS V and GTA V? Do you conveniently not talk about those?

Never understood this tweet embedding shit you guys keep doing. “Look at this not that clever thing I said but I said it on twitter am I cool yet pls follow k?” The fuck is wrong with you people just fucking say it directly.

Kotaku: You want articles?

Its ok Wonder woman i have the perfect rebound guy

This message has become unnecessary to me. This one in particular seems like it's really trying too hard

Better than Nom Nom Galaxy. Two updates and both descriptions are just one line of Japanese text. I bought it from US PSN Store....

0 is not a negative number. Preventing them from making money from your actions, sure, but it never takes money from them.

There, I did it :)

You are a real philosopher at large, helping us understand that we understand nothing. Do you have a newsletter?

Played you like a damn....cello?

and ryu should be wearing shoes when he is fighting in random places, vega probably shouldn’t wear a mask as it just impairs his vision, rashid shouldn’t be wearing his scouter since a kick to the head might break it and you don’t want to get stuff in your eyes

Yeah bro totally! Like if she walked into my room I’d be like WTF is this? How dare you even think I’d lay with thee. Make me a sandwich and leave!

Get over it, sexism exists.

i sure hope this is sarcasm, because if it isn’t, you got problems dude

I bet you think lord of the rings is racist since most of the characters fight black skinned humanoids known as orcs. If you see black people that's your own prejudice interpretation transferred to the characters