That is gold. Pure. Fucking. Gold.
That is gold. Pure. Fucking. Gold.
Uh. Not sure if serious.
But seriously, rain is not mentioned anywhere in the article. I read it twice before coming to the comments to see if it was clarified.
Well, that’s a cheery way to start my day.
I’ll give it a 8.2/10, it’s lacking any real danger with regard to the attempt itself, and only uses one helicopter.
I’d have to turn in my Jalopnik Gold card if I didn’t answer max BraaaaAaAaApt.
It’s bad enough looking through the Mountune parts catalog. Now you’re just trying to drive me into debt.
Because killing off well designed popular, affordable commuter options makes sense. I’m bitter, mostly because I’m a very happy FiST owner and who might now trade up to a newer model to extend my ownership of this market segment as long as possible.
Well, uh... um... Hmmm.... I guess I’m really happy I have my FiST?
Yeah, the ability to get YZ and The Slip on Vinyl... potentially in remastered forms, that’s something I am very excited for.
As I posted elsewhere, they’re effectively promising to release and tour behind the new album in 2018. And have been for months, but yesterday Martin / Dok made it perfectly clear. =)
Yeah, It’s been a tad awkward to wear my Add Violence shirt that I got with the Physical Component, but it sounds like you and I both came up with NIN in the heyday of the US goth/industrial scene (the 90's). I’ve had probably a dozen NIN shirts in my life, and still have half of em.
It *will* be, at least if the band members have any say. =)
I picked up Fragile: Deviations 1 (and then dealt with the sheer absurdity of their supplier being unable to successfully ship an $80 record without troubling amounts of damage) when it went on sale, and like you do not have a record player. And I really want to get the Vinyl re-releases primarily to have the digital…
No mention of Chvrches? They keep putting out little hints and not so little hints that the record is basically done. #CHV3 is going to be amazing. With Everything they touch being gold, add in Dave Stewart and Greg Kurstin, and man oh man... This is, IMHO, the glaring omission in your list.
It’s a Christmas miracle! Hey Xander!
Norse runes, eh?
You know that Da5id is pretty easy to guess, right? ;)
As opposed to say... L0rd @l3xand3r C4ung-51k F1nkl3-Mcgr@w
Which no one should ever guess. Until now. Dammit.
I literally keep a bag (I don’t remember the brand, but it’s a large insulated bag I got at Costco) stuffed with other bags (generally 3-5 insulated bags, 2-3 non-insulated canvas bags, 1 wine carrier) in the hatch of my car, so I always have it when I go grocery shopping. I take it shopping, fill em up, take them…
If I can use one cable for those 5 years (and potentially beyond as I tend to keep my old phones as home networked devices) instead of buying a series of cheap throwaway cables that die after 3-12 months? I’m a happy camper.
If I can use one cable for those 5 years (and potentially beyond as I tend to keep my old phones as home networked…