House Of Leaves was about a Mini? Where does the Minotaur sit?
Just as a note, a zero-day exploit is not one that the manufacturer has spent zero days fixing, but is rather one that exists at launch, which is unknown to (or possibly just unresolved at the time of) the manufacturer releasing the product to the public at the time of launch.
I did this back in the 90’s and made some pretty amazing custom NIN / Downward Spiral shirts (I’ll have to look to see if I have any pictures). They hold up for a couple of years of regular wash cycles, but eventually the weakened threads start to wear where you would expect.
Came out yesterday, you’re forgiven.
He did break his camera... I mean, how do you think he broke it? I’m betting that he broke it when he:
I learned from my father to bring some cardboard with me and a sharpie. then draw the outline of the pattern from every surface where I have to remove a screw or bolt and screw them into the cardboard so that I know where they all came from, and where they all go.
The food was amazing. Her recipes are hit and miss, but all of the food on the menu sounded and looked delicious and my meal was great. I ended up getting a beet burger, which was among the best of any burger variations I’ve had (including some of the insane kobe beef, or half ground bacon burgers which I’ve had other…
Omaha was surprisingly accommodating for me when I visited there earlier this year. In addition to simply sublime Modern Love (it’s Isa Chandra Moskowitz’s, of Veganomicon fame, restaurant) they have a thriving craft beer and vegan / local food scene. Not to mention restaurants everywhere for just about everything…
Today I learned what is truly in Burglar’s heart of hearts, and it’s not his batshit insane attempts to race a beetle in STR to victory. It’s to troll the living shit out of everyone.
I returned from vacation just in time. =)
Since old airplane stories never die on the internet, and this is the first on I’ve seen on the PBY in some time, this seems like an excellent place to pass along a story and question that my father has been searching for the answer to for decades.
A lot. (1895 total / 1384 unique)
Congratulations on your COTD John Pearley Huffman! That’s the kind of insight that definitely deserves a refreshing beverage, and this time of year, having a bit of snap, tang, or even a tinge of something sour (kind of like the undertone of your comment) can help with making the experience even more pleasant.
I have seen one.
I’ve got a stockpile of beers to go through too. =)
When Stone hits, they nail it, when they miss, they miss. Coronado is pretty good, Green Flash has had some amazing brews, and I’m a big fan of Mission as well, Ballast Point has been ingrained as part of my beer drinking since before they distributed to AZ (where I am) because we had a friend who would not stop…