
And my continued disappointment whenever an article refers to Chris Connelly continues.

The BMW 1 Series M. A return to what made the M series so special in the first place, in a small limited run, with specs made for what a “small” M vehicle should showcase. With the gradual moves to put the M series further and further into luxury territory while maintaining performance over the years, the release of

Because I was literally not creative at all when choosing start and end points. LOL.

Yep, that is the most dangerous part of it. Fortunately with headlights and a full moon you can tend to see them with enough distance to stop. Saw many deer on the road and just off to the side last time I did this (many many moons ago).

That’s why you do it at night, preferably over a weekend near a full moon. Empty roads, beautiful views and much less traffic.

I think I’m going to have to order myself a copy of that one.

I’m going to suggest “the scenic route” if you have time to burn and don’t mind the occasional toll, select your start and end point, and check that magical box “avoid highways” and see what the country truly has to offer. State Highways are typically much more adventurous and provide much more character. If I learned

“He’ll write about anything, but make it interesting enough that we’ll all read it anyway”

Yep. As someone who has discovered when the restaurants and bars at Denver International can start serving alcohol, and when told that it was in 10 minutes, let them know “it’s cool, I’ll wait”. I wholeheartedly agree.

I’m not sure if your links were stripped or kinja is acting weird on my iphone. I don’t doubt that this specific diagnosis (or one with the same symptoms and a different name) can’t occur, especially with drugs on board, or possibly exclusively with illicit (non-prescribed or incorrectly prescribed) drugs. But some of

Emperical, in my eyes would be the difference. A witness statement might not hold the same weight as showing that I was in surgery at the time of the crime.

I was in Indianapolis when I first tried this (actually I had a bottle in the fridge back in AZ, but was saving it. It was on tap at Black Acre when I was there). I ordered one, tried it and my eyes lit up. This beer was special. I ended up sharing it with those around me, because it will absolutely floor you if you

Your anger is totally justified, and shared, what I was trying to say was that when you already have brain chemistry imbalances, drugs (legal or illegal) can impact those imbalances and make them even worse. Drugs like PCP or Cocaine possibly more so.

No. Not if they are provided with exculpatory evidence which proves that the charges are without merit. Now if they also caught this guy for speeding and have evidence of that, they can (and will) proceed with that, but if they only have a report and when they caught this guy he was obeying traffic laws, then they’d

New in comparison to drapetomania, yes. New in regard to controversy? probably not (pt 2 here). This shows the diagnosis showing up a decade ago, and then some additional searching shows that it first was used around 1985.

There is a corollary here which, while unspoken, speaks volumes.

I’ve had one problem with Waze’s navigation, and it was while going through your city (SD, on the way to Disney). The information it was giving was actually different from what was on the signs, and I’ve been raised to go by the sign (always listen to the signs), and when there was a simple conflict (lanes splitting)

Everything they do is amazing, but those two, IMO, deserve to be listed by name. It’d be kind of like saying “any number of amazing IPAs they do” without mentioning either Pliny.

It really is. There are a couple of bottles of that and a few of the latest Merkin in the main part of the fridge as well. I suck at saving money, but I’m pretty good at drinking beer.

I can’t fault those selections. At all. Though you left off the best RR has to offer. Beatification is amazing, and Consecration? holy fuck.