Tracking the ongoing rumors and scanner traffic on the twitter hashtag for #SpaceShipTwo has been... interesting.…
Tracking the ongoing rumors and scanner traffic on the twitter hashtag for #SpaceShipTwo has been... interesting.…
I will unabashedly admit that I kept my subscription to automobile for the past decade on the basis of them having Ezra. Heck, were I able to send him payments directly for his writing I probably would (Ezra, if you are reading this, uh, please don't move to this business model, you'll bankrupt me).
Anyone getting the idea that anything Ezra Dyer touches... uh... dies. Should I be worried about Car and Driver and Popular Mechanics? (I mean, Automobile didn't "die" but it's not the same without Jean, and his reviews with NYT have been some of his finest).
She had been having issues sleeping and they were excessively large. I still have my tonsils, as does my wife, so we had no idea what we were getting into. She is doing much better now, but for nearly two full weeks, it was very rough.
I didn't even realize that the Gregory car show was last week. The last two weeks for me have been practically nothing but caring for our 3 year old daughter who just had her tonsils out (pro tip, there are no tips for this, if this can be avoided this young, avoid it. Sleep was an illusion). Yesterday was the two…
LONG time no talk. I have an overflowing (well, nearly) beer fridge. And a two year old plus standing beer date. When you see this, let me know. Hope things are well.
My day has been made with the return of Dinner With Engineers. Thank you Jason.
Absolutely. I never modified my TJ ('04) and while it never got the trip to Utah I always wanted, it went off road a number of times all over Southern AZ.
Sounds like my old Sentra. It was hard to speed in that thing, but damn if it didn't sound like I was speeding.
Until you pass a traffic cop in a 35 MPH zone while approaching 35 MPH at WOT and know that you will level out around the speed limit and you see the defeat in the eyes and face of the cop, you don't know the true pleasure of slow car fast. The Aspire, original VW Bug, Carmen Ghia, OG Fiesta, original Hyundai Accent…
That's crazy! Also, it appears I'm not getting any younger.
I've been lurking. Clearly I should come back more often if this is the response. I have a soft spot for GT3s. =)
Maybe that's why the guy bought it.
No Grammar Police needed here. My assumption is that he's speaking in the third person for the fellow who would do this, assumed mental typos and all.
I am (was?) the 0.001%! I used the sidebar to see what the "popular" posts were. It's a nice way to see what has been happening over the last couple of hours and kind of see where the conversations may be happening.
Pretty sure that the only car that even belongs in the same conversation is the Rally Fighter. But, yeah, I would guess that EPA / mpg regs are preventing us from seeing much more.
No, but this explains my confusion at the car wash.
That's like, really deep man. like... whoa...
In my mind the Rally Fighter exists for many reasons, but part of it was to prove that with the right business model, Mega Track could have succeeded. =)