
It seems like, almost every time I find an article featuring Peter Capaldi, he's always doing something absolutely kind and sweet for someone, especially if that someone is a child. The man is just fantastic, as the Doctor and as a person, and I absolutely love him.

She punched her. In the fucking. Face.

You're one of those people who plays music through your cellphone speakers, aren't you?

Just like you're minding your own business, right? This is a public forum, and you're posting publicly. People are going to respond to the things you say, especially when you make silly claims like the one about moms having it so much tougher than everyone else.

I apologize if this has been said, today I am not up to scrolling through the 190 comments already posted. I doubt, however, that the following sentiment has been shared more than a couple of times:

And what a stellar example she is for that bratty kid! The way to deal with problems is hitting people! Team Mom indeed.

So common undesirable behaviors like smoking in non-smoking areas and loud phone conversations and people who let their dogs run around off-leash — we should just shrug and ignore it? I'd prefer to speak up and say "no, you know, that's not cool. Let's all agree not to do that." This is how civilization happens. We

The entitlement is strong with you. How do you have any clue whatsoever about what a stranger's day has been like?

No. You don't know what my day is like. Maybe my day involved divorce papers or getting fired or a damn funeral and this meal or shopping trip has a lot more riding on it. I sympathize with the parents, I really do. But the fact that your kid is frustrating and exhausting you is not license to just avoid dealing with

Then how about this — they're teaching, by example, their own child and every other child present that it's okay to give more weight to their own needs and preferences than to those of EVERYBODY ELSE PRESENT. "Well, this is my preferred method of child rearing, and sticking to it 100% every single tantrum-time is more

I get a lot of students who believe that hating men is the definition of feminism. It's embarrassing that they think this. I tell them that's not what feminism is and redefine it. However, they always look confused after, like the world has taken on a new, weird concept.

I wasn't comparing children to dogs. I was only comparing the responsibilities in the situations of their owners or parents, which is a valid analogy : you are a socialized adult, and you are responsible for the behavior, in public, of someone or something that is not fully socialized.

OK, so if men were going through the things women are going through (meaning that men and women's statuses in society would be flipped), then you would be a "masculinist" or whatever word they would have come up with to express the idea that men should have the same rights as women. But seeing as that is not the way

"Do you like healthcare that doesn't deny you if you have pre-existing conditions, that's available for free if you're 26 or younger, and that's super affordable whether or not your employer provides it?"

I always imagine their rationale is "But I'm pretty and girly and I don't hate men and I want them to like me. I can't be a feminist." And I am rolling my eyes right along with you.

Well...on the plus side, in the same news cycle we have prominent, super-successful nerd Joss Whedon chalking one up for the side of not-afraid-to-be-called-feminists.

I really have to roll my eyes anytime a celebrity says this. Every fucking time.

I agree with everything you said, but the mother should have restrained herself from physically assaulting the other woman, if for no other reason than that she may have unwittingly hurt her badly, or may face charges, or something awful that she can't take back. I would be all over the mother's side had she just left

You sound like the type of parent servers love.

As a mom of 2, it is never ok to let a child freak the fuck out in a public setting. (of course out of the baby stage) Too many folks just let there kids scream and scream, run around crazily. Just take the kid back to your car/home and shop some other time. It's as rude as if you were screaming.