
I love this show!

For me, the depressing thing about this story isn't that it was about Facebook going down. It was that people can be so entitled, lacking in autonomy, and bloody stupid that they call the emergency services for frivolous reasons. I remember a few years ago a UK police department published a list of the reasons people

Was wife #2 the babysitter or just some other unfortunate? Good for you, what an absolute cocknugget.

Burning roach + quick concealment + waterbed? Your parents were brave people.

He looks like he's trying to kill something in the pool with her head. "Aaargh, bug! Better hit it with this dancer!"

Which is fair enough, but I wouldn't bug my kid to swim in the pool I'd just been shagging his dad in. They could just let it be.

I just spat out some coffee and KitKat.

I thought it was pronounced that way too! Also a Brit, there is no Chipotle in Scotland that I know of. :-(

You just brought back a bunch of childhood memories! I remember that, and the weird rhythm of the "Johnny, I want my liver back..." chant.

The minute I heard "my kids were crying" I got suspicious, cos I hate anyone who tries to use their children to gain sympathy like that, to be honest. On face value, removing him from the plane was unacceptable. But airlines are paranoid and we don't know what he was saying or what he actually tweeted.

I see where you're coming from, but it goes deeper than a surface comparison. I think the difference is that Tom Cruise was regarded as being a kook pretty much from the beginning: all his bollocks came from Scientology stuff, which 99% of people know is bullshit. Jenny McCarthy frightened parents out of getting

Encouraging a child to film anything with a bloody iPad is contributing to the utter destruction of society.

I am tired of the way any kind of official body here in the UK overreacts to even one complaint. There have been huge scandals over programme content that ONE PERSON complained about. It's not in the public interest if programming and ads are constantly messed with based on the opinion of one Mary Whitehouse wannabe

Huh, that's interesting! I'm still shocked by the $6.25 figure to be honest. The UK govt taxes the fuck out of cigarettes and pretends it's to cut down on smoking. Ha.

I dunno, you'd be surprised. I smoked from 16 to 27, and only stopped in December when I started on ecigs. Cigarettes now, in comparison, are very unappealing and I was on the things for 11 years. They don't taste as nice, they're harsher on your throat, and you really notice the smell it leaves on your breath and

I always wonder about this, because the vast majority of indoor concerts over here in the UK take place in licensed premises (places with bars) that don't allow under 14s. I have no idea what would happen if someone tried to strut into a gig with a baby strapped to them. They'd probably be denied entry then film it

I feel so sorry for the cops there. They're clearly losing patience with her bullshit and that one guy is being completely nice and reasonable while she rants and films her crying child instead of comforting her. This kind of thing is why I hate the stupid "fuck the police" attitude most of the internet seems to have.

At first my brain went "aagh! Spoiler!" and then I realised I barely like TB any more and am just watching this last series because I'm hoping it'll get good again. So you're forgiven. Not that you need to be really because you did write spoiler, but I skimmed too fast. Woe.