I would love to try this feature...
I would love to try this feature...
Assuming of course that when we suffer an invading air attack that the fleet isn't grounded.
That is a huge insult to developmentally disabled people everywhere. Seriously? Rainman would slap him.
So wait, are you suggesting the Mojave Spaceport?
Oh definitely. I just got frustrated at being bad and gave up. :)
Yeah. I struggle with adjusting the grind and my tamping is inconsistent. So, I suck.
Wow, nice example to back up the facts. As I was reading that I immediately thought of flight 111. I wrote one of my college papers on that incident many a moon ago.
Where does one find a runway that can accommodate that beast of a plane?
I may be incorrect, but it's my understanding that the grind isn't dependent solely on the machine used, but atmospheric changes where the espresso is being made, which changes constantly.
Yes, in this case he took 3rd in the most recent competition. He was amazing, both in the product rendered and the display. It was the best espresso I've ever tasted.
I gave up on pulling my own shots a long time ago. I attended a class with the #3 barista in the world, and even after the class my shots were still sub-par at best. I'll just leave this one the professionals.
You are not alone sir.
In the U.S. I believe the percentage is slightly higher. The real issue is overcoming consumer perception. Alternative packaging such as this or tetra-packs just have a negative connotation in the U.S. market place.
Not all wine is stored in oak barrels. For lesser priced wines it's not cost efficient to do so. These wines also are not made to age so this concept or a box is a perfectly acceptable means of storage.
I thought the best Bluetooth headset is one that's not worn. Ha! I kill me.
Why are you wasting time posting on a tech blog when you could be out feeding starving children? Time well spent.
I love my Wustof classic set. I spent about 10 years putting together my set one knife at a time. They have great weight and balance. Now I' just adding specialty knifes like that Shun. God that's a great knife!
Step 2.1: Make friends with someone who owns a Mac
That's still the largest hurdle for maufacturers, perceived value. There's still a stigma that caps and synthetic closures (and alternative packaging for that matter) imply the product is cheap.
You're absolutely right, with the exception of aged wines. The technology is still too young to see the long term effects of using screw caps or composite corks for closures. Fortunately the bulk of wine being produced today is meant to be consumed immediately.