
Tell me, what part of Fortnite or Minecraft deals with “ with romance options [or] features characters in relationships, or presents characters in a sexualized way”?

Yes, this 17%/2% is a false equivalency between parametric response and purposive sample.

First, did Stanford ever ask what this football player was doing in public? Why wasn’t he home studying or in class? If he’d been where he was supposed to be, instead of out with his friends, he wouldn’t have gotten coffee spilled on him. Assaults never happen at home or in class, and he should have known that.

This is the most verbose, well-though-out, and obnoxious example of blaming the victim I’ve ever seen. Bravo.

I think you nailed exactly what I was going to type.
As soon as I see the word “appropriation”, I always get this sinking feeling that I am readying poorly researched article by a young intern who hasn’t traveled enough or seen enough of the world to understand the intersections between art and culture.

Every time a writer here types the word “orientalism” in article they should consider that fact 

but not all depictions of non-white people have to automatically be political.

I’ll start this by saying that anyone is free to feel insulted by whatever they feel insulted by. But I - an Asian-American living in a third world country - really think this criticism is stretching a bit.

Yet this site name is Kotaku. If there is a sense of irony about “appropriation” being ignored here... *shrugged*

I thought he meant that becoming a sexual predator was the moment that made a person into a full Republican.  My misunderstanding.

“Keep my name the fuck out of this shit.” — the horse

The more Lucky Dice you find in an area doesnt make the loot rarer from other Lucky Dice in the area.

Unannounced Survival Game...

I want everybody to understand that this is talking about the game Outriders and that I will not, under any circumstance, be giving any of you back the gear that you lost.

Just so we’re clear... you read the part that said “most vaccinated”, right? What you’re trying to imply did not occur.

You don’t seem to understand how diseases spread.

Says the guy who defends transphobes:

You’re a fucking idiot. People like you are the reasons why this shit is going on, also, there is a new strain.

Honestly, who gives a shit? They are being paid to advertise the game. I put it into the same category as professional reviewers being given copies of games for free and/or early. And it’s not like having a handful of promoters wait in line is going to improve everyone else’s wait to time to any noticeable degree.

A honing steel is not a knife sharpener.