
That sir, is adorable.

Sam, it's Friday. You should have to wait for Caturday like everyone else.

<- This regular razor.

I hadn't seen a WP until a couple weeks ago. I'm a long time iPhone user and have been relatively content. After seeing the current iteration of WP I have to say I am very, very impressed. I loved the UI, and it was extremely easy to use. I am now very tempted to jump ship when Mango arrives.

Well played sir. Well played.

No one at home should attempt this without the proper training.

Nail on the head sir. This is not a Muslim thing, or a Christian thing. This is religion.


I totally see the difference. Your equivalent statements are boring.

Pretty heavy on the cheese, but epic none-the-less.

OMG!1 Someone plagiarized someone's speech!

I just un-hearted you so I could heart you again.

This story is so confusing. So Jesus loves nukes, but Jesus thinks he's full of shit. Jesus can save my soul, but Jesus can take my star. I need a drink.

I hope this report is wrong. It looks like a big jump backwards in terms of design.

I couldn't get past Erin and Anna's descriptions of the sites. I'll continue my read when I stop laughing.

Agreed. I'm calling BS on this one.

"Apparently you can tell the difference between cavas by how much sugar has been added"

Doesn't sound so much like an electronic tongue as it can't distinguish flavors. Actually it sounds like all it can do is detect residual sugar. There's a ton of devices that can do that.

It isn't colored with the Flesh of Christ. I concede to your superior skills.

It is at my house. Except I'm not there right now, so NO!