
"I don't think even a 4 hour course will satisfy the typical American."

Yeah the restaurant was losing money. The business was profitable though through lectures and book releases.

I refute your assertion sir!

Until I see more data to back this theory, I'll stick to my long standing beliefs.

Where do you think the Loch Ness Monster came from?


I'm glad to see the head of lulzsec was apprehended... again.

Not exactly the phrasing I would use, but you're 100% correct. I would imagine a lot of it stems from the former abuses suffered by deaf children at the hands of educators and other authority figures in the last century.

Oh, dear Jesus, I need this. Kelly I shall name my first born son after you.

Reply received:


"and ribbed body for extra strength."

"Yes, I'm American, but I was raised partially in Europe."

I vote we call it "Tex"

Smithereens? Seriously, who talks like that?

My question would be is it insured at it's market value or the cost of production? I can't see an insurance company forking over for an estimated value, being that it wasn't even released in the US yet. Rather I would see the reimbursement covering grape cost, storage costs, labeling, cork, capsule, etc.

That was the most unrewarding 6 minutes of my life. If ever there was an example of overused slow motion, that is it.

Muchos gracias mi amigo. My first son shall be known as jer102.

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