Gail_von _Kleinenstein

I make a motion to start Dolly Parton facts in the style of Chuck Norris facts. GO!

FACT: Flowers don't bend to face the sunlight. They bend toward whatever direction Dolly Parton is.

FACT: Love of books is called bibliophilia. Love of cats is called ailurophilia. Love of Dolly Parton is called logic.

FACT: Dolly Parton

"Track-Lightin'!" To this very day, I cannot go into that section of a hardware store without laughing.

I teach a class on internet safety and privacy to my pupils sometimes, generally for classes age 11-13. Almost all the kids use Snapchat, and, without exception, there are rooms full of horrified faces when I tell them that the pictures do not, in fact, disappear forever. I dread to think what kind of stuff they're

Right? It's all in the cloud or...the mainframe. I've seen enough movies like Hackers and the Net to know better.

Favorite movie ever. I could quote the entire thing. I love her more'n my luggage.

like, as in a heavy metal music version of dolly parton, or a dolly parton cyborg made of metal?

"She opened her top and showed them her boobs, which Jennifer says were completely covered in 'the most beautiful angels and beautiful butterflies and baskets of flowers in pastel-colored tattoos.'"

I want to be a metal Dolly Parton when I grow up.

What kind of dog was it? Many of the shepherds/herding dogs are pretty adamant about keeping the group together. Our border collie would use her body to corral us at first and then escalate to knockdowns or even dragging if we didn't comply.

My mom had surgery a few months ago, with a slow, painful recovery. When I was over there helping out, my dog (also a Labrador, the most awesome breed ever) never left her side. When she'd have a meltdown because she was in so much pain, he'd sit right next to her. He even slept with her at night, which shocked the

Awww. Dogs. I like cats better, but I have to admit if I were lost I'd rather be lost with a dog.

I let my pup eat the last bite of my delicious sandwich after reading this. THE LAST BITE.

I have rheumatoid arthritis, and my dog regularly goes on "sympathy jaunts". If I'm limping, she'll suddenly develop one too. During my most recent bout of strep throat, she refused to eat until I was back on solids. It's weird and a little creepy, but I have no doubts that she would protect me if we wandered into a

When going through cancer treatment, various friends' dogs (and a random iguana) would guard me and whenever I'd get tired or start to not feel good, they'd REALLY guard me, and make sure that people left me alone. Usually by sitting on me, or giving the stink eye to anyone who talked louder than a whisper. My heart

When I broke my ankle I needed to keep it elevated at all times but I would shift around often knock the pillows that kept it propped up over. My families Pekinese Mutt who normally would not tolerate any such foolishness would take over for the pillows on a fairly regular basis. Dogs are magical companions that are

My principal decided to schedule a huge parent-teacher-community gathering the night Friends was ending. He was a very approachable man who had originally hired me as a teacher and I joked with him that it was the finale of Friends and it was a BIG DEAL (I was also a little peeved that I had to miss the finale for

This has everything I want and nothing I don't.

Betty White = America's Sweetheart.