Katy Perry is to musical notation what Jack the Ripper is to East London prostitutes.
Katy Perry is to musical notation what Jack the Ripper is to East London prostitutes.
Her Madgesty's outfit is channeling the preacher from Poltergeist
So I went to Sundance and I ended up peeing in the stall next to Goldie Hawn (teeny feet!), and afterwards, she did not wash her hands. She just waved us at in the mirror. Oh, and Kurt Russell is still a grade A fox.
Holy shit, is that a "Golden Girls" pillow case at about 250?
Far be it from me to question the greater plan, or if there is one, but why do dogs have to get old so fast, and rip your heart out of your chest with their dying breath?
I volunteer to be the official beard groomer of the Swedish Marines. I did not wake up today thinking I would ever make that statement. Life turns on a dime.
Brain tumor ghost hallucination*
I'm going to go with "It seems to me like you're the EXPERT, Mark!"
Oh yeah, I've heard of that camp.
only my favorite holiday film...and it's not because of Thora Birch! I do like Ghost World and American Beauty though
With all due respect, the best movie of Queen Bette is arguably The First Wives Club. Good day. walks off poshly
These bitches did it first.
But maybe it's a magical tent like the Weasleys had. I would spend $9,000 on that, no problem.
Yes, but how easily can it be turned into tunics for all your friends?
The entertainment provided with said tent.
"Oh my god I love that gown. Where did you get it?" "My fairy godmother actually gave it to me." "Gifted! So adorable."